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Gettysburg – that hotbed of White Supremacy

Gettysburg, this site that turned the tide of the Civil War, is now considered a hotbed of White Supremacy by the Trump-deranged.

Joe Biden isn’t the only person whose brains have turned to applesauce. Folks suffering from End-Stage Trump Derangement Syndrome are so far gone, they should have “MOTT’S” stamped on their foreheads.

Yesterday, President Trump tweeted that he has narrowed down the locale for his nomination acceptance speech to either the White House or Gettysburg.

I vote Gettysburg.

What a perfect backdrop from which to deliver a speech at a time when our nation is once again so deeply divided.  As Lincoln said in his Gettysburg Address, “Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”

We are facing this test once again in 2020.  Can we endure? Can the nation founded on the “principle that all men are created equal” survive the divisions of our present age?

This is why, when I saw his tweet, I was delighted at the idea of Gettysburg.

But for the Trump-deranged, the President choosing this iconic historical site was “proof” of what a Confederate-loving White Supremacist he is.

Yeah.  Really.

Gettysburg, this site of the battle that turned the tide of the Civil War and handed the Confederacy a decisive defeat, is now considered a hotbed of White Supremacy by the Trump-deranged clowns of the Resistance

Are they serious with this?

Ooooh! It’s a dog-whistle!

Honestly, these people are retarded.

If President Trump gave a speech at Bastogne – the town at the center of the Battle of the Bulge which turned the tide of WW2 against Germany – these idiots would accuse him of choosing Bastogne as a dog-whistle to Nazism.

I don’t know if they’re genuinely this dumb or if it’s just the latest example of the Resistance Law of Opposition – which is “whatever Trump endorses, these sad, miserable people will come out against it.”

It used to be a joke.  You know, “Trump could cure cancer and these guys would attack him for putting oncologists out of work.”

But now it’s clear that, like the Law of Gravity, the Resistance Law of Opposition is scientific fact.

In November 1863, Abraham Lincoln closed his brief Gettysburg Address with these words:
“that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

At this point, I believe their disgust in the choice of Gettysburg has more to do with the fact that the Resistance desperately hopes we perish.