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You've Heard the 'Hairy Legs' Video? Prepare for Creepy Joe Biden, Part Two, What the Nurses Did

Remember the creepy Joe Biden “hairy legs” video?

In case you missed it or need a refresher, here it is:

How gross is that? Biden is talking about kids stroking his legs with his hair that “turned blonde” in the sun and stood up, and how much he loved kids jumping in his lap at the pool as he stares down at the little kids who are next to him in the video. Uh, what? Kids not related to him and him being the lifeguard.

It was so creepy and out of the norm, people even made a cartoon about it:

Well, prepare for Creepy Joe Biden, the Sequel. You thought that was weird, now here’s the latest in what the heck is he saying here?

What is Biden talking about?

Now, in context, I think this is likely after he had two brain aneurysms in 1988, as Tom Elliott observes, and two brain surgeries at least one at Walter Reed.

But breathing into his nostrils to get him moving? That’s not a thing.

Pretty much because it’s the only time you would do it.

More nurses weigh in:

I have both a legal and medical background, not something I ever learned or heard of.

And why would a nurse be whispering into his ear about pillows? And why would they have to go home to get you pillows? Don’t hospitals have pillows? Arrgggh, how could this man possibly be running for president?