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Terrorizing residents is Sméagol’s job

Violence and unrest are a political strategy geared at defeating Republicans in November. For Sméagol, terrorizing residents is the feature, not a bug.

As murder rates climb and violent rioters continue terrorizing the city, yesterday Mayor Sméagol Lightfoot put her light foot down at the prospect of Federal law enforcement coming to Chicago to clean up the mess she’s created.

Apparently, if there’s any terrorizing that needs to be done, Sméagol prefers to do it herself.

Like her fellow Democrat mayors, Sméagol doesn’t really believe Federal law enforcement are “troops” who plan on terrorizing anyone. Her fear, and those of her fellow Leftists, is Federal law enforcement might put an end to it.

Here’s the dirty little secret.

Violence and unrest are a political strategy geared at defeating Republicans in November.

Terrorizing residents is the feature, not a bug.

The objective here is blazingly obvious.

Democrats like Sméagol Lightfoot hope to tie civil unrest to President Trump.  The rarely spoken message is this: Elect Democrats, or else this violence and unrest will continue.

Rarely spoken, that is, until the other day.

Get the message?

If you want this nightly mayhem to stop, elect Biden.

Democrats like Sméagol Lightfoot are using this violence against civilians as a means of political coercion.

And if that description sounds familiar, it should.  It’s the definition of terrorism.

We didn’t vote the way they wanted. So now they want to make sure that next time there’s an election, you’re too afraid to exercise your right to vote.

And this use of violence to intimidate you into silence is just the latest voter intimidation campaign launched by the Left.

Before the election, the mainstream news media and polling outfits did everything they could to dispirit us. They tried to convince us that Donald Trump had no chance and Hillary’s victory was a certainty.

And trust me. That was by design.

They wanted you so dispirited, you simply gave up and stayed home on election day.

But it didn’t work, did it?

They tried the carrot. And it didn’t work.

So now they’re using the stick.

The Left wants you afraid. That’s why they’re smearing all of us as white supremacists and Nazis.

They want to shove us out of public discourse, marginalize us, intimidate us, and ultimately make us so afraid that they disenfranchise us.

In other words, they are using violence and intimidation to gain political ends.

Which, if you’re keeping score, is terrorism.

In the fall of 2018 the delusional old boozehound Hillary accidentally let the cat out of the bag when she told CNN, “If we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.”

Well, they won back the House in 2018.

Has the terrorizing stopped?

Of course not.  Because it’s not going to stop.  They want the country in a state of perpetual unrest because there’s always another election for them to win.

Sméagol knows the only terrorizing going on in American cities is coming from the Democrat shock troops.  And that’s exactly the kind of terrorizing she and the rest of the Democrats want.

She doesn’t really believe “Trump’s troops” (AKA Federal law enforcement) will terrorize anyone.  No. The reason her eyes are bugging out more than usual is she’s concerned that Federal law enforcement might just put an end to this Democrat-endorsed terror and ruin the Democrats’ grand plan for November.

It doesn’t matter to Sméagol that Chicago police are being attacked.

It doesn’t matter that city residents are being terrorized by nightly violence.

It doesn’t matter that Chicago residents are being shot and killed.

None of that matters.  All that matters is the November election.

All that matters is power.

And in the Democrat Party’s quest for power, no lives matter.