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Report: American pediatricians want schools to reopen

Report: American pediatricians
want schools to reopen

Back-to-school supplies await shoppers at a store on Saturday, July 11, 2020, in Marlborough, Mass. School districts across America are trying to decide how to resume classes in the fall amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. (AP Photo/Bill Sikes)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:22 AM PT — Tuesday, July 14, 2020

As coronavirus cases surge nationwide, pediatricians around the country are calling for students to return to the classroom. According to reports, many pediatricians not only agree schools should reopen, but will be sending their own children back in the fall.

This follows a statement released from the American Academy of Pediatrics last month, which noted that the academic, mental and physical benefits of in-person learning outweigh the potential risks posed by COVID-19.

Dr. Stephanie Duggins-Davis from the University of North Carolina outlined why she believes physically attending school is critical for children.

“Social and the mental development are critical for children, peer interaction, being out and playing sports…all of that is very important,” she stated. “And can certainly lead to depression, more anxiety and other things like that we know we’re seeing an increase of in our children and adolescents.”

However, she said certain safety measures should be implemented as schools reopen such as social distancing, increasing air circulation indoors and holding gym classes outside.

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