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Everything Democrats know they learned in kindergarten. Isn’t that what all their kicking and screaming and name-calling essentially tell us?

Everything Democrats Know
They Learned In Kindergarten

J.B. Shurk • July 23, 2020

When was the last time anyone said, “You need to hear Democrat so-and-so’s reasoned and logical analysis” on absolutely any topic? If the answer is something Patrick Moynihan once said back in the early 90’s, that says it all.

A classroom filled with five-year-olds is a collection of chaotic, unbound bursts of energy ricocheting off of each other without respect for personal space. About half of those kids mature into something measured, resilient, and useful in life. The other half merely grow taller.

Democrats like to preach that everything should be shared. In practice, they are still the childhood bullies who walk over to the quiet kid playing alone with a doll and swipe it right from her hands while sneering. Theft is just adult-speak for “what’s yours is mine.” Democrat sharing always involves taking from someone else and never bothering to give anything back. Democrats never learn not to take things that aren’t theirs.

Democrats from kindergarten to Nancy Pelosi whine, “That’s not fair!” Nothing’s ever fair. The rules aren’t fair. The law’s unfair. It’s unfair that someone who studies hard and works hard could have more than someone who does neither. It’s unfair that only American citizens should be able to vote in American elections. It’s unfair that people would prefer to move to “red” states than suffer under the high tax burdens, corrupt social welfare programs, and criminal violence of “blue” cities run by Democrats for over a hundred years. It’s unfair that someone who has saved for a rainy day can buy an umbrella while someone who hasn’t, can’t. Democrats reject personal responsibility because all these years after kindergarten they still expect the teacher to pass out cookies and milk before each nap. And no matter how many cookies they’re given, they somehow never receive their fair share.

Democrats never learned to stop hitting people. Everything Antifa or BLM or George Soros’s Super PAC-funded shock troops do, they do behind the threat of violence. Right now Democrats are burning and looting cities across America, just like unsupervised classrooms left to be ransacked while the teacher’s away, except the cheery mayhem of five-year-old mischief-makers has become the violent and deadly destruction set loose anywhere Democrat mayors and prosecutors have control. The mayors applaud arson and battery as nothing more than “peaceful protest.” The prosecutors encourage the loss of property and life by holding no-one accountable. And the Democrats on the street learn that hitting people can get them what they want because nobody with authority ever tells them, “No!”

Democrats never learned to clean up their own messes. They run their budgets into bankruptcy by corruptly paying off voters and donors and expect the federal government and red state taxpayers to bail them out. They ignore violent crime and release violent prisoners before serving full sentences and then throw up their hands and blame “systemic racism” when crime on their streets returns. They encourage illegal aliens to sneak into their states to pad illegal voting in their precincts and to distort congressional representation in Washington and then feign surprise when sex-traffickers and narco-terrorists succeed in increasing murder, drug-addiction, and slavery under their watch. They respond to a viral pandemic by moving infected patients into nursing homes filled with their most vulnerable citizens and then blame the predictable loss of life on anyone but themselves. Democrats never learned to take responsibility, and because of this, no mess they create can ever be theirs to clean up.

Democrats never learned how to say, “sorry.” They learned how to call people names. They learned how to cry and point fingers at everyone but themselves. They learned how to stomp up and down and pretend that the world will end if they’re not given their way. But they never learned to take ownership for their mistakes. They never learned to recognize when it is they who are in the wrong. They never learned the value of making amends by apologizing to those they’ve hurt. When was the last time you can remember a Democrat ever saying “sorry” or expressing regret for anything? When was the last time America said, “Get back here! You know what you must say!” We have given them a pass since kindergarten, and we pay for that pass every day.

And finally, Democrats never learned to live a balanced life. Every social justice warrior believes the world will die if change does not immediately come. Every year we only have one more year left. Every cause embraced by the left becomes the only cause worth remembering. There is never any time to laugh or enjoy life while it’s here. There’s never a moment to put things in perspective and realize how much better American life is today than it was just a short time ago. There is never any recognition of what America and Americans have accomplished. There’s no thankfulness, no grace. Democrats can’t take pride in America because they never learned to appreciate all they still take for granted.

Every day, the kindergartners running the Democratic Party expect their milk and cookies to come from somewhere. And every day, whatever they receive is never good enough.

Hat tip to Robert Fulghum.

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