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The Fast and the Furious: Smollett Grift

Here’s a helpful rule of thumb. 
Assume every “I saw a noose and I’m literally shaking 
and in fear for my life” story is a lie.

When in heaven’s name are people going to wise up and stop falling for hoax hate crimes?  Did the original Smollett Grift teach us nothing?

Apparently not.

Because this weekend we got the sequel — a high octane, fast and furious version of the Smollett Grift starring NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace.  And, as was the case with his slower, lower octane compatriot, the Bubba version of the Smollett Grift featured a noose as well.

That’s the problem with sequels.  They pretty much drive over the same bit of ground time and time again.

And yet they keep making ‘em.  And fools keep buying into it.

But the “noose” in this case was simply the rope attached to the garage door in the bay where Wallace parks his car.  Every bay has them.

But NASCAR bought the hoax hook, line and sinker.  Yesterday, the whole of NASCAR drove/marched in solidarity with the guy who claimed the garage door pull-down that every bay has was, in his case, a noose.  The same garage door pull-down that was nothing but a garage door pull-down last year when he saw it, suddenly transformed into a hate crime.

Good grief. All that was missing was someone shouting “This is MAGA Country!”

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JK Tweet Smollett Grift-02

Here’s a helpful rule of thumb.  Assume every “I saw a noose and I’m literally shaking and in fear for my life” story is a lie.

The benefit of the doubt no longer applies.  That’s what happens when hoax after hoax after absurdly stupid hoax gets peddled by an attention-seeking grifter and amplified by an eagerly complicit press.

So no more. You get no benefit of the doubt if you peddle the Smollett Grift.

I get it.  I do.

So many Americans are crippled by guilt over things they didn’t do, that their default setting is “I always believe it when someone says something racist happened to him, even if the story is wildly ridiculous and laughable. Because if I don’t believe it, I’m terrified someone will call me a racist.”

It’s a pathetic way to live, I’ll grant you. The Hoax Crime True Believers are suckers.

That’s what makes the Smollett Grift such a profitable endeavor.  There will always be suckers who buy it. Always.

And because the news media wants to perpetrate the fiction that America is brimming to capacity with frothing-at-the-mouth racists with an endless supply of nooses at their disposal, they happily give the grifter an outsized platform and a megaphone.