PART 1 — In a weird way we need to thank Jerry Nadler...
I've got to say it. In a weird way we need to thank Jerry Nadler for trying to impeach Bill Barr and thereby lighting a fire under the AG to get him to take action.
However, it's made better because Nadler doesn't know about the secret shield that no-one is discussing...

However, it's made better because Nadler doesn't know about the secret shield that no-one is discussing...

Good grief. I'm not admirer of Bill Barr, and certainly not an apologist, but I can see clearly see the solid footing the AG is standing on.
Barr is not a dummy. He wouldn't make these DOJ moves without titanium justification. The FISC order is a part of that... /cont.
And ....“Solicitor General of the United States Noel Francisco announces his departure from the Department of Justice, effective as of July 3, 2020."...
And now ..."SDNY Geoffrey Berman is removed and replaced at the SDNY office; and his exit is also timed for.... Wait for it..... Yup, July 3rd
Use common sense. AG Barr knew over a week ago that Nadler was targeting him [Likely Impeachment effort].
Do you really think Barr would make DOJ moves that would provide Nadler ammunition that Barr did not *WANT* Nadler to think he has?
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