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Nothing Inappropriate – Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts and FBI Summaries

DNI John Ratcliffe Releases Wiretapped Flynn-Kislyak Transcripts and FBI Summaries 

(“CR Cuts”) Of Those Transcripts

DNI John Ratcliffe has released the transcripts and FBI generated summaries known as “CR cuts” from the telephone calls between incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. [pdf version here].

A fast review of the transcripts (also embed below) shows there was nothing inappropriate or improper about the conversations at all.  Quite the opposite: Lt. General Flynn was direct, diplomatic, polite and represented the interests of U.S. policy from both the outgoing Obama administration and incoming Trump administration.

The views expressed by Lt. General Flynn did not impede or obstruct outgoing Obama policy nor did they undermine any position during the transition.  Any media reporting to the contrary was completely false.

The FBI summaries or “CR Cuts”, created by FBI analysts, are what FBI Director James Comey gave to former DNI James Clapper on January 4th, for use in briefing former President Obama.  The summaries are FBI interpretations of what the calls contained.

It has been my long-standing suspicion the FBI summaries (CR Cuts) will not accurately reflect the content of the calls; and were purposefully manipulated by the FBI to give a false impression that Flynn was undermining Obama.  I am doing that comparison now.

Here’s the summaries and transcripts:

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