Forget About Seeing Any Justice For Obamagate
![Forget About Seeing Any Justice For Obamagate](
Article by Kurt Schlichter in "Townhall":
Allow me to disabuse you of your naïve delusion that we still live in a country with a justice system and break it to you that no one is going to jail for what was done to Flynn, or for the unmasking business, or for the Russia hoax or, for that matter, for any of the corrupt Dem/foreigner collaborations exemplified by the payoffs received by stripperphile and Bolivian folk medicine enthusiast Hoover Biden.
No one.
Well, maybe Mike Flynn himself will. Since his judge is now making up the law as he goes along – in law school they taught us that the judicial branch didn’t prosecute, but that was before the Trump Exception™ to existing principles – I actually expect that the next time the General shows up in court the judge will sentence him on his coerced plea to a “crime” that never happened and order the marshals to immediately take him into custody. And, as we have seen far too often since the advent of the bat biter blues, too many LEOs simply obey, apparently never having got the 411 on how the Nuremburg defense of “just following orders” is unsat. Flynn will get pardoned instead of exonerated, so he’ll get sprung from stir, but he will have no civil recourse for resurrecting his reputation or savings, which is the plan.
We have two justice systems, one for them and one for us, meaning we have no justice system at all.
Sorry to have to break this to you. I know it makes you sad, but how do you think I feel? I spent 27 years helping defend this country and voilà – here we are, a flippin’ banana republic. Turns out our elite is perfectly cool with treating our Constitution like Charmin.
They are actively for the abuse of the legal system to persecute their political enemies. You adorable naïfs come to me thinking that I, as a lawyer, will assuage your gnawing fear that something is rotten in the state of America. “Kurt, but this…this isn’t right? How can some people be prosecuted but other people with connections get away with crimes?” Well, the answer is simple: that is how many of the people with their grubby paws on the levers of power want it.
They want to use the government to stifle dissent, as the IRS did to Tea Party groups.
They want to make people afraid to oppose them by threatening them with crushing legal fees and maybe jail if they dare join the opposition – look at the trail of bankrupt Trumpworld folks after Obamagate.
They want to frame people working for their enemies and ruin them and put them in prison, a la LTG Flynn.
This permeates liberal culture. Did you know that the ACLU – the Alleged Civil Liberties Union – just sued Betsy De Vos because she ordered reforms to campus man-witch trials that gave men such radical due process rights as the right to know the charges, to have time to respond to them, to not be judged by the same person who is prosecuting them, and to confront their accuser? The ACLU came out against these things – at least in cases where ole Grandpa Badfinger’s not the accused. And speaking of that handsy old weirdo, how about all those lib luminaries leveling with us that even if he did what Tara Reade said he did, eh, no biggie. They’ll vote for him anyway, and that whiny broad should stop crying all over their beautiful progressive narrative.
“Where are the prosecutors?” Oh, now you really are amusing me. The DoJ has a few solid folks at the top apparently trying to salvage some credibility out of this debacle, but it takes time to tame a bureaucracy and thanks to that befuddled dork Jeff Sessions that process got delayed for over two years while he tried to play it straight and got taken to the cleaners by the cheats all around him.
What Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit did with classified info would have put you and me in striped PJs for a decade. She walked. So did her whole clique.
Andrew McCabe lied again and again and … nope, they won’t charge him.
Looming Doofus Comey will walk. Every Democrat donor in the Mueller gang will walk. Samantha Power will walk. And Obama? Sheesh, chatty perpetual Hannity guest and occasional senator Lindsey Graham may get around to holding his long-promised Obamagate hearings on about the 5th of Never. Big Talkin’ LG won’t even dare to call BHO to testify and you think the Grand Marshal of the Supreme Court is gonna be frog-marching The One out of his new beach mansion to prison? Come on.
I’d love to be wrong. Maybe I am. Maybe the unbroken track record of injustice we’ve seen over the last decade will suddenly break. And maybe my pet unicorn Chet will be the foreman of the jury when one of these slugs somehow gets called to account.
We need to stay on the offensive.
So we keep pushing.
But how do we win?
The Constitution is defiled but it’s not dead, and it contains all the answers. We fight on, electing people who will carry the flag forward. We just got one in California – Los Angeles even! – when Navy vet and conservative Mike Garcia shot down the Democrats’ heir to the seat that the hotel room chair-defiling wierdoess Katie Hill lost. We are building up our team, going seat by seat, filling them with conservatives and purging the spineless likes of Jeff Flake.
It will take time. Everything hard takes time. But that’s how we win. Look at DC today. When Donald Trump took office, he had no insiders on his side. He was surrounded by Bushie traitors and Obama holdovers, all looking to take him down. But fast forward to today. The moles are gone, replaced by all-in conservatives with three years of experience inside the Beltway. Ric Grenell’s masterful bureaucratic battering of Adam Schiffforbrains was a perfect example of how we can play this game too. Think of what our side can do with seven years of experience.
Oh, and buy guns and ammunition. Liberty always needs that backstop of an armed citizenry in case the electoral and judicial systems completely collapse. And it totally gives the libs and the Fredocon sissies fits.
So, stop focusing on putting a few putzes in the pokey. That ain’t happening – by the time we have the power to actually do justice the statute of limitations will have long expired. Instead, focus on the real goal. We need to keep and grow our power by taking the House, keeping the Senate, re-electing the President and helping the Murder Turtle pack the courts with patriots.
Join me in a modified serenity prayer: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to own the libs, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
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