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This is elder abuse

At this point the people who are pushing Joe Biden to continue his run for the White House should be brought up on charges for elder abuse.

Okay, this is getting ridiculous.  This isn’t a presidential campaign; it’s elder abuse.  At this point the people who are pushing Joe Biden to continue his run for the White House should be brought up on charges.

Yesterday, Biden’s campaign team forced the near-octogenarian to livestream a “virtual” townhall that was mercifully cut short after “technical” issues.

But the biggest “technical” issue was the candidate himself.

Where the hell is the old guy going?

Notice how quickly his people got that Biden campaign sign up in place of their doddering old candidate?  It’s almost as if they knew they’d need it at some point.

Now, part of this is Joe isn’t particularly tech savvy.

But how tech savvy do you need to be to know you have to stay in front of the camera?

Then again, it wasn’t much better when he did stay in front of the camera, if you want to know the truth.

How can any sane person watch this poor old cooter and not conclude this is elder abuse?

Joe might think he has the right stuff to be President. But sometimes the elderly think they can do things that they can’t.

If an old man drives up an off-ramp or falls asleep in the left turn lane, his children don’t buy him a new car and send him on a fifty-state road trip. They take away his car keys.

Are the former Obama people so desperate to get back into the White House that they’ll resort to elder abuse to get there?

Stupid question.

They were so desperate to stay in the White House that they used the CIA and the FBI to illegally spy on Hillary’s Republican challenger.

What’s a little elder abuse compared to that?

But where the hell is Jill – sorry — DOCTOR Jill Biden?

Is the prospect of being First Lady more important to her than caring for her senile old husband? What does it say about this woman that she enables this kind of elder abuse?

As Jesse Kelly said the other day, “Joe Biden is gonna have a really bad moment during this campaign and when he does, I hope his Weekend at Bernie’s friends and family feel bad about what they’ve done.”

At this rate, I just don’t see how Joe can make it to the Convention.

Biden is supposed to face off against Bernie tonight. And even if they spent the last week driving him like a pack mule while drilling talking points and statistics into his head, there’s no guarantee that any of that information is going to stay in that fetid stew Joe calls a brain.

I went onto CNN’s website to see if the debate was still on and it took me several minutes to find anything about it.  Which is odd since CNN is hosting the damn thing.  You’d think they’d be promoting the hell out of it.  But the most recent article I could find was from Thursday when CNN reported that the debate has been moved from Arizona to DC.

Oh, and Jorge Ramos won’t be one of the moderators because he’s in quarantine for Wuhan virus.

I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if, after this disastrous “virtual” townhall yesterday, the DNC is already considering cancelling the debate to protect their mentally-declining “frontrunner.”

And if they do cancel it, it won’t be because they realize what they’re doing is elder abuse. Not at all.  They don’t care about that.  If they did they wouldn’t be dragging this decrepit old man to the nomination.

If they cancel it, the only reason will be to hide their presumptive nominee from public scrutiny.

[Or because they’re afraid he’ll wander off stage and get lost.]

The DNC and their handmaids in the media know the more voters see of this lost, confused old man, the less likely it is they’ll vote for him.