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Shrieking Lunatic tells us “Do not be afraid”

If a member of the House wants to calm the fears of the American people, maybe shrieking like a lunatic isn’t the best way to go.

I’m just gonna say it.  If a member of the House wants to calm the fears of the American people, maybe shrieking like a lunatic isn’t the best way to go.

Watch this crazy chick lose her mind on live television. And ask yourself if you feel calm and reassured.

“YOU WILL SEE DARKNESS!!!” Oh, okay, crazy lady.

Michiganders, really? What in Lucifer’s reach were you thinking?!

Why would anyone listen to a word this lunatic shrieks?

“Do not be afraid!!!! YOU WILL SEE DARKNESS!!!”  Good grief.
Where are the men with the nets? Were they deemed non-essential?

You know, just a while ago, I said “Forget floating hospitals.  We need to get the US Navy to deploy floating insane asylums.”

And I’m thinking the first stop on its voyage should be the Potomac River in DC.

I remember one time I was riding the subway and some lunatic started shrieking about the end times.  Dude got right in my face — warning me about hell and damnation while spittle flew everywhere. But even he wasn’t as horrifying as this broad.

Probably because that lunatic wasn’t wearing pink latex gloves. That really pushes it over the edge.  I mean, come on!

Today’s House debate over the two trillion dollar boondoggle brought out the nutty in everyone, apparently.

In addition to Congresswoman Cray-Cray (D-MI), we also had the arm-flailing stylings of Miss Ocasio-Cortez.

Is this the House of Representatives or a scene from “Girl Interrupted?”

My word, but these ladies need a mental tidy.

I don’t know what’s worse.  The Pandemic Pep Squad in the news media or the Cackling Crazies of Congress.

Senator Kennedy of Louisiana got it wrong.  Our country isn’t run by idiots; it’s run by the clinically insane.

You know in hindsight, I’m thinking maybe this quarantine thing was a really bad idea.