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Public concern raised over Joe Biden’s mental health

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:03 PM PT — Thursday, March 5, 2020
Joe Biden’s odds of securing the Democrat Party’s nomination have risen in recent days, but public concern is mounting over the candidate’s fitness for office. Several in the political spectrum have called Biden’s mental health into question amid the possibility of the 2020 hopeful having dementia.
Conservative radio talk show host Bob Lonsberry, who has called attention to the matter, claimed it is not about age, but about Biden’s alarming confusion over topics.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” said the former vice president. “All men and women created by the you know, you know the thing.”

He also called out the Democrat Party’s “closeted leadership to hand Biden the nomination.”
According to Lonsberry, it is appropriate to discuss Biden’s brain if it was fair to talk about Bernie Sanders’ recent heart attack or Mike Bloomberg’s stents.
His concerns came amid the laundry list of gaffes the former vice president has exhibited on the campaign trail. In one instance, the 2020 hopeful even publicly forgot what race he’s in.
“Where I come from, you don’t go very far unless you ask,” he said. “My name’s Joe Biden, I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.”
From the campaign trail to the debate stage, the faux pas continue to stack up.
 Just this week, the former vice president apparently forgot the name of his former boss, President Barack Obama.

Others in the political spectrum have also taken note of Biden’s mishaps, including conservative author Ann Coulter. She has claimed his senile dementia will only continue to be covered up by the media.
“The media will protect Biden in a way that no Republican with that level of senile dementia that Biden has could run for president,” stated Coulter. “But the media is a powerful force, they’ll cover it up, they won’t show us those.”
The list goes on, but only time will tell if the multiple mishaps and gaffes will be overlooked.