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Pelosi Plays Politics Puts “Forced Permanent Paid Sick Leave” Into Coronavirus Bill

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is attempting to exploit the coronavirus issue to pass a litany of permanent laws inside what was supposed to be a temporary legislative bill to assist those economically impacted by the coronavirus mitigation efforts.

Two issues are stark: (1) permanent and mandatory paid sick leave; and (2) a massive and permanent increase in medicare spending to benefit health insurance companies.
(Via The Hill) […] “There’s a couple major problems with it. Here’s one glaring problem: Under [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi’s bill, the Social Security Administration will be set up to administer the paid sick leave program. Now this will take more than six months, so it won’t work in time. It will also hamper the administration from putting out Social Security for those who need it right now that are in harm’s way,” he added.
“This will hurt the very population it’s supposed to be helping. It forces permanent paid sick leave for all businesses without exemptions and no sunsets.”
McCarthy’s comments came just before the bill — which would require employers to grant paid sick leave and bolster unemployment benefits, in addition to ensuring free diagnostic testing for the virus — was scheduled to come to the floor on Thursday, before lawmakers are slated to leave for a one-week recess.  (read more)