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DNC Wants Bernie Defeated This Month, Well Ahead of Milwaukee Convention

A couple of recent data points highlights a purposeful plan where the DNC Club wants Bernie Sanders crushed this month, well ahead of the Milwaukee DNC convention.

Last night the New York Times posted a blistering expose’ on Bernie, complete with journalists traveling to the former Soviet Union city of Russia, to dig up opposition research they could deploy framing Senator Sanders as a comrade to Russian interests. The Times research team presented an 89-page “Bernie Dossier” of sorts.

NYT […] The New York Times examined 89 pages of letters, telegrams and internal Soviet government documents revealing in far greater detail the extent of Mr. Sanders’s personal effort to establish ties between his city and a country many Americans then still considered an enemy despite the reforms being initiated at the time under Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the Soviet general secretary.
[…]  The documents are part of a government archive in Yaroslavl, Russia, which became the sister city of Burlington. The files are open to the public, though archivists there said that, until now, no one had asked to see them. (more)
Interestingly, Comrade Sanders was a presidential candidate in 2016 competing against Hillary Clinton; but the New York Times didn’t feel the need to track down the records during that campaign?… But they did in 2020?…

The most simple explanation for the lack of curiosity in 2016, and the decision to take the deeper, targeted dive in 2020, relates to the prior race holding a pre-determined outcome.  However, this year, Bernie Sanders was/is considered an actual and viable threat to the interests of the Club itself.

Based on the abject scale of the media rallying around Joe Biden; and based on a very familiar lack of curiosity by those same media when Biden seemingly disappears from all visibility (like today); and based on the transparently visible assembly of all allied club forces against Bernie Sanders, well, the intents, motives and purposes are quite clear.

The Club wants Bernie eliminated with extreme prejudiced and they want it done now; much sooner than could organically be accomplished.  The end goal as it currently appears is total capitulation by the Sanders campaign quickly; and all forces are being brought down upon the candidate to achieve that goal.

In many ways it makes sense for the Club to attempt this now as they will need the maximum amount of time available to heal wounds and herd the unwieldy Bernie coalition into the tent of Joe Biden.  Capturing and controlling Sanders’ grassroots enthusiasm the Club needs to achieve their November objective is a very challenging task; and a DNC Convention battle against progressives is the worst case scenario.  It simply cannot be allowed.

With that in mind another Club move today highlights a similar purpose.

The DNC Club, in coordination with their media allies, have been ignoring the final female candidate in the race, Tulsi Gabbard.  Today the Club again changed the debate rules to ensure that Gabbard is not permitted any visibility or voice in the March 15th debate.
WASHINGTON DC – The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Friday announced new qualifying standards for the upcoming Arizona debate that will leave only the top two contenders on stage.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) did not meet the single qualifying factor: earning at least 20 percent of the delegates awarded as of March 15.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Vice President Joe Biden are the only candidates who have qualified for the debate, which will be hosted by CNN and Univision on March 15 in Phoenix. (more)

Notice the next debate is CNN.

Given the Club’s prior use of CNN debates to leak advanced questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016 you can virtually guarantee the apparatus will go all-in to set-up Bernie Sanders in Arizona.  The scripting and manipulation will be transparently obvious; and the media will ignore it completely.

Everything is pointing to the Club’s intent to destroy Sanders between the Tuesday, March 10th primary races in Michigan (125 delegates), Idaho (20), Mississippi (36), Missouri (68), North Dakota (14), Washington State (89)…. and the March 17th primary races in Florida (219), Illinois (155) and Ohio (136 delegates).

The Club is pulling out all the stops -targeting the psychology of Bernie supporters- to get rid of Sanders via complete campaign capitulation between March 10th and March 17th.  That puts the debate on March 15th as a key inflection point.

Since Bernie’s bone-headed praise of Cuban communism his support in Florida has dropped to a tenuous 12% total.   That’s not a typo, that’s 12 percent total support for Bernie in Florida… and that is below the 15% threshold for any delegates.  Fidel Sanders might do slightly better with Warren out of the race, but that same poll has Joe biden with over 60 percent of the Florida Democrat vote.

Polling less than the minimum proportional threshold, with 219 delegates at stake, in a two person race, portends the possibility of a crushing defeat is possible on March 17th.

The Club wants Bernie gone now, this month, and the Club has the planets aligned to do just that…