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Bitter Drunk mocks America during a Pandemic

From “smartest, most qualified candidate to ever run for President,” to bitter, angry Twitter shit-poster. My, how the mighty have fallen.

This mandatory lockdown has turned Hillary Clinton into an even bigger bitter drunk than she already was. Which is saying a LOT. Mostly because Hillary was already the biggest bitter drunk on the planet even before this pandemic hit.

But now, cooped up in her house during this shutdown, every minute of every day is Wine-O’Clock for the former Miss Rodham.

One thing is clear. When she’s in her cups, the real Hillary emerges. And let’s just say, it ain’t pretty.

Like the Pandemic Pep Squad in the media, the bitter drunk wasted no time celebrating the number of Wuhan virus cases in the US.

Because nothing says, “I want to be your champion” like cheering on a pandemic.

Understand, this bitter drunk isn’t just dunking on Trump.  She’s dunking on all of us.
Funny isn’t it?

There are people in this country who, more than three years after she lost, still call this hag “Madam President.”  When in reality, she’s nothing more than a Twitter shit-poster.

My, how the mighty have fallen.

Booze’ll do that to you.

For Hillary Clinton, time froze on November 8, 2016.  It’s why I called her Mrs. Havisham.  Like the jilted bride from “Great Expectations,” Hillary is stuck in that moment, reliving it day after day after miserable day, completely unable to move on.

Everything, and I mean everything, that happens in America, Hillary sees through the prism of her humiliating defeat.

So for her, Americans contracting Wuhan Virus is just one more reason to attack us deplorable Americans who refused to hand her the White House.

I’ve said before that this bitter drunk is like the “chick that won’t let go.”

We all know the type.  She gets dumped, then spends months making everything about her ex.  No matter how many friends urge her to let it go and move on, she just can’t let go of her anger and wounded pride.

Hillary’s like Lili Taylor’s character in “Say Anything” (“Joe. She’s written sixty-five songs. Sixty-five and they’re all about you!”). Hillary’s entire existence, day in and day out, is consumed by her 2016 defeat.

And after three years, four months and twenty days, Hillary’s bitterness and bile isn’t just directed at Donald Trump; we’re all on her list now!

So if Americans get the Wuhan virus, well, we deserve it because we rejected her.

If you are among the millions now unemployed, well, screw you, misogynist!

For this bitter drunk, Wuhan virus is the Karma she believes we richly deserve.

What a pathetically sad end for the woman so many believed was “the smartest, most qualified” candidate to ever run for President.

If Hillary really was even half as amazing as her fans think she is, she would rise to the occasion in the midst of this global pandemic, put aside petty politics and call for unity of purpose.

But she isn’t that person; she never was.

She’s nothing but a bitter drunk, angrily shit-posting on Twitter while reveling in your misfortune.

We’re blessed to be rid of such a bitter, vengeful ex.