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Battle of the Curmudgeons

No wonder the DNC didn’t want Tulsi there. No sense in reminding America that their two “frontrunners” look like the cast of Grumpy Old Men.

If the best the Democrat Party can muster are two old curmudgeons shouting at each other, their party might as well just pack it in.

Yes, Sunday night’s debate certainly was the Battle of the Curmudgeons.

I think I prefer having the flu to having to sit through two hours of Bernie and Joe bickering over who voted for what during their combined seven hundred years in public office.

No wonder the DNC didn’t want Tulsi there.  No sense in reminding America that their two “frontrunners” look like the cast of Grumpy Old Men.

But my theory for why Bernie is staying in this race seems to hold up.  I said the other day that since Sanders has no chance at the nomination, his only hope is to force Joe to adopt a great deal of his radical agenda.

And from the looks of it, during last night’s Battle of the Curmudgeons, Joe did just that.

No drilling, no fracking, no deportations.
It’s as if these two curmudgeons can’t wait to destroy our economy.

Maybe it’s because I’m so damn sick, but I just can’t wrap my head around the fact that the Democrats actually believe Joe Biden will get them back in the White House.

I think even those idiots in the media know they’re pinning their hopes on a loser. Which might explain why the only thing the media is crowing about from last night’s Battle of the Curmudgeons was senile Joe promising to choose a woman as his running mate.
Good grief, what a pathetic joke.