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“And we’re not gonna air your stupid briefings!”

In an effort to stop President Trump’s rising poll numbers, CNN and NBC have decided to stop airing the White House Daily Briefings on the Wuhan Virus.

In a show of flouncing petulance, the colicky babies at CNN and NBC have decided to stop airing the White House’s daily Wuhan Virus briefings.

“Because Trump lies and he lies a lot and he’s mean to us so we’re not gonna air your stupid briefings, you lying liar!!!!!”

These daily briefings provide a boatload of information that Americans, cooped up in their homes, need right now.  But more importantly, they are driving President Trump’s approval rating through the roof.

And for the grumpy babies at CNN and NBC, that simply isn’t allowed.

I’m thinking the news media latched on to these briefings initially, no doubt in hopes that Trump would come off looking like an idiot and they could revel in it.

As soon as it became clear that these briefings were actually gaining audiences throughout the country, boosting the President’s approval numbers and giving much-needed calm and reassurance to counter the media’s non-stop hysteria, the useless, non-essential news media picked up its marbles and stomped out.

“Editing and context.”

Good grief, these guys are transparently obvious.

Just last week, Brian Stelter turned into a quivering mass of cellulite claiming that these brave firefighters are “empowering the public with information to stay safe.”

It was, to say the least, the most untrue statement Brian Stelter ever uttered – which is saying something.

They don’t want to empower us with information.  They want “editing and context.”  In other words, control the flow of information that reaches you.

Most importantly, they’re terrified that these daily briefings are the reason President Trump’s approval numbers are going up. Trust me, they don’t want Americans to approve of Trump because they don’t approve of Trump.

That shriveled mummy Andrea Mitchell gave the game away yesterday when discussing the President’s daily briefings with former Obama hack Jim Messina:

There is politics involved. We’ve heard very little from, for instance, the more likely, most likely nominee of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden. He’s having difficulty getting – projecting through this crisis as the campaign goes totally on hold. We’re also seeing some polls indicating the President’s approval ratings among Democrats and independents skyrocketing to their highest levels yet. Some 60% approval ratings for the way he’s handling this crisis as he continues to hold these briefings. The briefings are working for the President. No matter what he says, people seem to be seeing him as a leader, at least more people do.

Oh, noes!!! Americans are seeing the President as a leader!!!!!!

“These briefings are working for the President.”

That’s what matters to NBC News.  If they actually wanted to “empower the public with information to stay safe,” they would air them live. But since “empowering the people with information to stay safe” has the added effect of “working for the President,” they prefer to keep you ignorant.

The last things these idiots want is for Americans to look to the President at a time of national crisis. Well, not this President anyway. If that was Barack Obama standing up there, they’d be lining up to give him a tongue bath.

Americans are looking to President Trump. And the last thing these guys want is to have the American people treating President Trump as, you know, the President.

So their solution is to behave like snotty children and refuse to air these daily briefings.

Not that it will stop us from seeing them.

Fox News still airs them.  In addition to that, the White House livestreams them.

So despite their dyspeptic tantrum, CNN and NBC aren’t pinching off the flow of information at all.  The only thing they’re pinching off is their viewership.  Because people will simply go elsewhere to see the President’s briefings.

They’re carried on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter from the White House’s account.  I myself watch them at The Conservative Treehouse – which has been posting the livestream of the briefings every day.

In fact, CTH also updates their post afterward to include not only the video, but the transcript as well. (Speaking of which, you can see or read yesterday’s briefing HERE.)

Bottom line, these colicky babies at CNN and NBC have no power to limit your access to these briefings.  And that’s what pisses them off.

It isn’t just the flow of information they want to control; they want to control just how much availability and access average Americans have to our own President.

Because, and this is hardly shocking, when Americans see President Trump first-hand, they approve of the job he’s doing.

The media has spent the last three years creating (through “editing and context”) a fictional Monster version of Donald Trump.

The last thing they want is for you to discover that their Media-Created Monster Trump bears little, if any, resemblance to the actual man who occupies the White House.

And these daily press briefings are going a long way in exposing the news media’s fiction.

There is no doubt in my mind that the American news media’s conduct during this Wuhan pandemic has done irreparable damage to them. Which is all manner of ironic since the media had hoped that this pandemic would do irreparable damage to President Trump.

But that’s Operation Backfire for you.

They do it every time. They push too hard and too far, eventually exposing their own venal motives, and their plans to destroy the President backfires on them in a big, BIG way.