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The Coronavirus Cheer Squad

Cheering for a pandemic just so you can drive down Trump’s reelection chances isn’t just deeply cynical. It is odious and ghoulish.

I haven’t written anything about the coronavirus until now.  And it isn’t because I don’t care.  Of course I do.

It’s just between the fearmongering and the eager, hopeful way both the Democrats and their media handmaids have been cheering on a pandemic, I’ve been actively avoiding the cacophony coming from all sides.

Besides which, I’ve been dragging around with flu-like symptoms since Monday so perseverating on the coronavirus when I’m feeling like crap on a cracker doesn’t seem like a particularly good use of my time.

I’ve never seen people so excited at the prospect of mass deaths.

It’s twisted and obscene if you want to know the truth.

Do they hate President Trump so much that they’d actually behave like the Coronavirus cheer squad?

“Oooo!  The markets are tanking because of coronavirus!  Maybe this will hurt Trump’s reelection!!”

“Let’s all complain about the task force Trump set up and terrorize the American people into thinking they’ll all die!!! Maybe that will hurt Trump’s reelection!”

It’s one thing to cheer on a possible recession – which is shitty enough to do.

But to cheer on a possible pandemic?

These horrible human beings are actually hoping and praying that the Federal Government can’t stop the coronavirus from killing thousands just so they can gain an edge in November.

Man, I despise these people. And I’m not just saying that because I’m crippled by chills from this mystery illness. Even in the peak of health, I’d despise them.

For three years now these cretins have turned everything into the end of the world.

Remember when these assholes were regurgitating Iranian propagandaand flat-out taking sides with Iran while hoping for World War Three?

These guys have been predicting mass deaths ever since Trump won the election.

Are you at all shocked that when faced with the actual possibility of mass deaths from the coronavirus, these monsters are actually cheering it on?

In a time of a national crisis, we should be able to trust our elected leaders to put the safety and security of the American people before partisan politics.

We should be able to have confidence that our supposed “Free Press” will avoid fearmongering, and instead responsibly keep us informed.

But neither is possible in the Age of Trump Derangement.

Cheering for a pandemic just so you can drive down Trump’s reelection chances isn’t just deeply cynical. It is odious and ghoulish.

But, honestly, I really didn’t expect anything else from these loathsome people.