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The Big Club Dynamic - Democrat Branch

The fight within the Democrat party is much bigger than any media will report. 

Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders now leads most polls in the key states where the democrat primary battle will begin. With the grassroots Bernie-AOC wing carrying all the enthusiasm and momentum time is running out for the DNC club.

The dynamic within the always factional Democrat party is now quite remarkable.

Despite the transparent hit-jobs by DNC operatives against him, Bernie is in position to win every early state and he has a clear and visible path to the nomination. But the club has made some conspicuous counter moves.

The DNC club, the establishment writ large, has tried to advance several candidates to offset the rise of the far-left Democrat-Socialists within the Bernie-AOC group.

Their latest effort, aided by their media conscripts was (and is) Elizabeth Warren. [See NYT endorsement etc]

However, it ain’t working. The more the club has attempted to help Warren, the more transparent it became.

Voters can smell out a coordinated hit, and inauthentic ‘wokeness’ doesn’t work. Bernie has withstood their effort.

But watch out....

Remember, the only way Bloomberg could launch a late start was with the Club’s approval.

There were multiple motives for the Club to give Bloomberg the nod, but the most obvious was a firewall against the far-left caucus (AOC-Bernie).

Bloomberg represents the interests of the elitist globalists (modern Obama/Pelosi dems) and has spent millions to assist House races. Those purchases represent Bloomberg’s indulgency fees, and the Club supports him as part of the larger objective.
Essentially, in case of an actual outbreak/breakout of socialism, break glass – insert Bloomberg.

Remember, Tom Perez is DNC chairman. Perez is an old-school Alinsky ideologue within the Chicago team. The Perez outlook is the same as Barack Obama. Recently this Club, headed by Perez, appointed Barney Frank to the DNC rules committee. 
Frank is a pure-blooded establishment pick. Barney then brought John Podesta into the boardroom and gave another pure establishment blue-blood a seat on the DNC rules committee.

The Bernie-AOC crew noticed the DNC establishment move immediately and sounded some alarm bells.

This is the fight within the Democrat party itself. It is a much bigger -and more consequential- fight than the decades-long Tea Party -vs- the Republican establishment. 
The club authorized, then watched, Hillary Clinton hit Tulsi then Bernie. No-one came to Clinton’s defense when the AOC grassroots crew hit Clinton back much harder.

The club probed.

The club tested.

The club learned. 

Buttigieg is nothing. Biden can’t hold up even with all of the massive cover provided by the media and party apparatus. Elizabeth Warren cannot pull it off. The Club can obviously see all of this in hard data and internal polling.

Bernie has the most clear path to the nomination, but the Club dynamic is still in play. 
Watch for how the club positions Bloomberg.

I doubt the convention firewall can work; and it’s more likely the outcome will be the Club eventually agreeing to support Bernie-AOC but not for the reasons most grassroots Marxists would think. 
There’s a possibility the Club would eventually plan to push the base to the extremes in an effort to suffer the greatest loss. Within that loss the Club can then attempt to destroy the pesky AOC wing forever.

Never let a crisis go to waste.... 
Here’s an example of pushing the extreme: Elizabeth Warren attempts ‘peak wokeness’ by announcing her cabinet will be decided by transgendered grade-schoolers.