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Chris Matthews is Not Happy With the Dem Field; ‘Bernie Sanders is Not Going to be President, Okay?’

MSNBC host Chris Matthews is not happy with
the field of Democratic candidates, not at all.

He is convinced that Bernie will be the big winner of the Iowa caucuses and he’s probably right about that. Matthews predicts that Bernie will at first be riding high, as Warren once was until she was scrutinized.

Bernie will be scrutinized, he says, and once voters “figure out who the guy is,” it’s over.

Trump was asked about Bernie and said, “I think he’s a communist.” Should Bernie win the nomination, the Trump campaign will hammer that message from now through Election Day and probably defeat Bernie by a landslide just as Richard Nixon defeated the far left Sen. George McGovern in 1972.

Matthews gets it. He understands that most Americans won’t be too excited about Bernie’s $16 trillion (not a typo) climate change plan.

Speaking with his colleagues Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski on “Morning Joe” yesterday, Matthews said, “What are my thoughts? I’m not happy. I’m not happy with this field. I think they have to find a candidate for president that can beat Trump.”
Scarborough asked, “You don’t think anybody in this field – ” He is abruptly cut off by the increasingly agitated Matthews.

“I’m looking, I’m still looking,” Matthews barked.

“What’s the problem?”

Matthews continues:
Obvious problems, they’re all problems. Bernie Sanders is not going to be president of the United States, okay? I look back at the ’72 race, I was a young volunteer for the DNC… I’ve got to tell you, it feels a lot like it. A lot of giddiness, a lot of excitement, thrill about this guy.
[Matthews is referring to former Sen. George McGovern (D-SD) who lost to President Nixon in one of the biggest landslides in U.S. political history.]
He excited the party completely, blew away a really good candidate like [then-Sen. Edwin] Muskie, a very good guy, blew him right out of the water because he had some issues.
Now analytically, a couple of things have happened. Warren was riding high, I thought she was going to sweep through everything…What happened, she got a lot of scrutiny…All of that stuff got killed… and guess who’s gonna get it now? Bernie’s gonna get it now.
Bernie’s gonna ride high and he’s finally gonna get scrutinized about his whole life, his ideology, his whole life. Who did he root for all of his life, who is this guy? It’s not just the nice, good stuff like health care. Why does he say the stuff he says about [Venezuelan President Nicolás] Maduro and people like that…people have got to figure out who the guy is. I think I know because I’ve dealt with these guys all my adult life. They’re usually the guys at the card table at an antiwar rally. There’d be some old guy with some old literature from his socialist party or that, trying to sell it, trying to latch on the antiwar movement. There’s always guys like that…
I know him, but I think the country is going to get to know him and I think we’ve got a problem. We’ll see. But, you know, nobody is going to be saying it tonight. They’re gonna be cheering, ‘good ole Bernie.’ I think he’s gonna win big tonight, real big, real big.

Watch the video below.