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Who Democrats Consider Their Friends and Allies

Communist China condemned America for the killing the killing of the terrorist Soleimani.

Semi-Communist Russia condemned America for the killing of the terrorist Soleimani.

Iran condemned America for the killing of the terrorist Soleimani.

Al-Quida, the terrorist organization condemned America for the killing of the terrorist Soleimani

All Democrats, Hollywood, Academia, America's Media and RINO's condemned the killing of the terrorist Soleimani.

Isn't it interesting the only people who have spoken out against President Trump's actions are Communists, Terrorists and American Liberals. Our entrenched bureaucracy must side with anyone who will kill American soldiers and her citizens.

How did the Liberal community become this vile? Out of what bowel of Satan have these people crawled from?

Obama when President paid Iran $400 million dollars in cash placed on pallets and shipped by plane at midnight so Americans would not see him paying ransom to get 4 American captives back. Obama released $1.3 billion to Iran so they could fund terrorism across the globe.

Soleimani was the architect of the Kobar Tower bombing where 300 innocent people died. Soleimani was the architect of funding terrorist organizations to fan out across Iraq setting off IED's which killed over 600 American soldiers and maimed thousands.

This is the kind of animal Democrats, Academia, Media and Hollywood have allied themselves to against President Trump.

How vile does one have to be to be a Liberal?