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Tehran Pete

When your response to Iran shooting down a commercial airliner mirrors regime propaganda, maybe you shouldn’t be running for President.

Thursday, when it became clear that Iran shot down a commercial jetliner, Tehran Pete Buttigieg immediate took to Twitter to blame America.

“Innocent civilians are now dead,” Tehran Pete tweeted, “because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat.  My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of all 176 souls lost aboard this flight.”

It’s amazing, isn’t it? It isn’t just the American news media that is enlisting in Iran’s propaganda war. It’s Democrat Presidential candidates.

Iran shoots down a Ukrainian airliner in Iranian airspace during an Iranian missile attack on bases in Iraq, and Tehran Pete blames America.

Then yesterday, after Iran finally admitted that they shot down the civilian plane, that grinning little puke Javad Zarif tweeted out this:

Well, that clears up one thing. The correct pronunciation of “Buttigieg” is “Javad Zarif.”

It’s as if Tehran Pete wrote that tweet for him.

Were they coordinating messages like a couple of high school girls coordinating outfits?

“I’ll say ‘tit for tat,’ and you say ‘US adventurism.'”

When you’re burping out the same propaganda as that fascist regime, maybe running for President of the United States isn’t the best career choice for you.

And yet Tehran Pete is polling in the lead in New Hampshire and in second place in Iowa.

What does that say about the Democrat party?

Does Tehran Pete realize what he’s doing?

Does he care?

Advancing regime propaganda tells me Tehran Pete Buttigieg, like Obama, wouldn’t lift a finger to support the Iranian people who are oppressed and murdered by this loathsome regime.

Those people are right there under the thumb of this regime and yet they are willing to stand up and speak out.

Meanwhile Tehran Pete — safe within the United States of America — is too much of a coward to do the same.