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So long Spartacus

Another one bites the dust. So long Spartacus!
We completely forgot you were even running.

I got some news for you.  Try not to be shocked.  But apparently that vacuous gasbag Cory Booker was still running for President.  The less shocking news? He ain’t anymore.

So long Spartacus.

Despite us completely forgetting he was in the race, Spartacus Booker officially “suspended” his campaign this morning.

So long Spartacus! Gone before I can even figure out why the hell you were running to begin with.

It is good to see that reality finally penetrated that thick noggin of his.

So long Spartacus. Now you can join the ranks of the also-rans like Kamala, Warren Wilhelm, Kirsten, Julián, Fartacus, and all the other ones I’ve already forgotten.

Spartacus tweeted his announcement with the standard “thanks to my team and supporters,”saying “I am so proud of what we built.”

Most of us forgot you were even there, Cory.  So what exactly did you build? 
A cloaking device?

I can’t remember.  Have we ever had a Presidential election where the majority of candidates drop out of the race before the first votes are even cast?

I don’t even think that happened in the 2016 Republican primary.  Then again, there were ten more Democrats running in 2020 than there were Republicans in 2016.

Any old how.

So long Spartacus. We hardly knew you … (were there).