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Jennifer Rubin hearts Adam Schiff

From “conservative” columnist to swooning pre-teen fan-girl, Jennifer Rubin has torched whatever dignity or credibility she had left.

If you’re wondering if Washington Post writer Jennifer Rubin still had a single shred of dignity remaining, wonder know more.

Despite being touted as a “conservative” writer, Rubin has jettisoned conservatism in favor of Orange Man Badism.

And apparently Trump Derangement Syndrome makes for some very strange bedfellows.

You see, “conservative” writer Jennifer Rubin hearts Adam Schiff.

When I wrote about the orgasmic fan-girling over Adam Schiff, Jennifer Rubin was one of the pundits I featured.  Namely, this tweet:

I wrote:

I can just picture Jennifer Rubin tweeting that out 
then sitting back to enjoy a post-coital cigarette.

And last night, when Schiff finished up his three days of innuendo, reckless hyperbole, and unfounded accusations, Jennifer tweeted out this.

Good grief.  Get a room, you clown.

Just how empty and bleak must your life be to actually tweet something like that?

Of all the people worshiping at the Altar of Schiff, none is as completely smitten as Jennifer Rubin.

Frankly, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Jennifer has a bedroom wall covered in pictures of Adam Schiff that she’s cut out of magazines.

I get it.  Jennifer hasn’t been this angry since Dorothy’s house dropped on her sister.

But how is it logical to completely torch your own reputation just because you hate the President?

She is so invested in her Trump hatred that Jennifer not only eagerly gobbles up every Resistance😁 conspiracy theory that comes down the pike, but she swoons like a star-struck teen over every Resistance😂 hero.

Scroll through her Twitter timeline and you can see that this “conservative” columnist spends her time on social media sucking up to Leftist Democrats, the biased cranks from MSNBC and CNN while calling Trump supporters uneducated and stupid.

She’s become the homely junior high schooler who would do anything to get in good with the popular girls.

For three years now, Jennifer Rubin has been driven by TDS. But even with that, I never expected her to go full-on fan girl over someone as repugnant as Adam Schiff.

That’s just … well … icky.

At this point, I’m thinking Jennifer is beyond hope.

Like Hillary Clinton, she is in end-stage Trump Derangement Syndrome. And there’s no coming back from that.