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I think we’ve all learned a valuable lesson here. And that’s that years of botox injections do not impede one’s ability to blink.

Yesterday, Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate would begin the impeachment trial next week with or without Nancy Pelosi transmitting the articles.

And whattaya know:

Whelp.  I think we’ve all learned a valuable lesson here.  And that’s that years of botox injections do not impede one’s ability to blink.

Because Mitch got Nancy to blink.

So much for “Leverage.”

I sure hope it was a small wager, Mimi.  Because Mitch got Nancy to blink.

Yeah, all those “Pelosi’s got McConnell right where she wants him” takes all look a little stupid now, don’t they?

Of course for people who understand how leverage works, they all looked a little stupid long before Mitch got Nancy to blink.

Naturally Twitter is populated by people shrieking “She did not get owned! She did not get owned!”  Because reality never invades their personal spaces, so that’s hardly a shock.

Delaying sending the articles of impeachment was the stupidest thing Nancy did since the last stupid thing Nancy did.

The biggest winner in all this is Joe Biden.

Thanks to Nancy’s absurd delay, Senators Sanders, Warren, Klobuchar and Booker will now have to leave the campaign trail to attend the Senate trial.

From trail to trial just a few weeks before the Iowa Caucus. Thanks, Nancy!

I hope Joe sends Pelosi a fruit basket.

The only way to erase the advantage Nancy just gave Joe Biden is for the Senate to call him to testify.

But, sure. She’s a “master legislator” and she had all the leverage. Go with that.