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WATCH: Joe Biden calls retired farmer “fat” at town hall event

Joe Biden has called an Iowa voter and retired farmer “fat” after he questioned the Democratic presidential candidate for his alleged Ukrainian nepotism incident.
During a town hall event, the Iowa voter who identified himself as a retired farmer asked Biden about his son, stating “you sent your son over there to work for a gas company that he had no experience for … your selling access to the president.”
Biden responded that the voter was a “goddamn liar … that’s just not true.” When the voter exclaimed that he saw it on the TV, Biden mocked the voter: “you saw it on the TV? I’m not sedentary, I get up.

Biden then went on to explain why he was running for president, but in the process, made several conceited jabs at the voter, saying “if you wanna judge my shape, let’s do push-ups together, man, let’s run together … look fat, here’s the deal.”
After this exchange, the voter angrily insulted Biden, which drew the exchange to a close.