Virginia Weighs Deploying National Guard to Enforce New Anti-Gun Laws. Things Could Get Ugly.
Article by Victoria Taft in "PJMedia":
If he does, @GovernorVA would be the first governor to use the National Guard to prevent the exercise of a constitutional right since Orval Faubus called out the Guard in Arkansas to keep black students out of a Little Rock high school.
Washington ExaminerVerified account @dcexaminer
When Michael Bloomberg flooded Virginia state legislative contests with his anti-gun groups' cash he got a quid pro quo from victorious Democrats: a
near ban of AR-15s and a promise of more anti-gun laws. Now, to make
room for all the felons who are predicted to be arrested by cops and the
Virginia National Guard, whom the governor has been urged to deploy, Democrats are demanding more money for prison space and law enforcement.
Taking guns and making you pay for it is the ultimate gut punch. Law Enforcement Today reports that a $250,000 increase in taxes would enforce these areas:
- Allow the removal of firearms from persons who pose substantial risk to them or others- $50,000
- Prohibit the sale, possession, transport of assault firearms, trigger activators and silencers- $50,000
- Increase the penalty for allowing a child to access unsecured firearms – $50,000
- Prohibit possession of firearms for persons subject to final orders of protection- $50,000
- Require background checks for all firearms sales- $50,000
Law Enforcement Today reports that the plethora of new gun-grabbing laws are purposely vague and will not sit well with cops and the public:
"The laws that have already been passed, along with those which have been introduced for the next legislative session in Virginia would ban commonly owned semi-automatic firearms, such as the AR-15.Further, the ban would extend to common firearms parts, and would NOT grandfather current owners. So, if you live in Virginia and own an AR-15, once the legislation is signed by Northam, you would be required to surrender the weapon, or face arrest and incarceration.Law-abiding gun owners who are found in possession of an “assault firearm” could be convicted of a Class 6 felony, which is punishable by up to 5 years in prison."
But the
AR-15 near-ban is only the beginning. There will be gun-buying rationing
and limitations on ammo contained in the proposed laws.
Dozens of townships and municipalities have declared themselves as Second Amendment Sanctuaries before the Democratic gun-grabbers go nuts, as promised, in the upcoming legislative session.
Cam Edwards, of BearingArms, warns that there are a lot of phony stories about the proposed laws, so one should be armed with the facts.
he warns this could get ugly if Democrats once again use muscle to keep
people from their constitutionally protected rights:
Former New York City cop and homeland security expert Rob O'Donnell predicts, ah, problems:

Yes, Virginia, @RalphNortham really can use the National Guard to enforce gun control.
They are setting a course of action by these threats that will be irreversible once the first shot is fired. American soldiers must never confront the American populace for protecting the constitution.
Lawmakers have until mid January to file more gun-grabbing legislation.
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