Thank the Second Amendment: Texas church shooting stopped in its tracks by armed hero
Article by Brad Polumbo in "The Washington Examiner":
Many Democrats and liberal media figures sneer at the “good guy with a gun” narrative when it comes to the debate over gun control, dismissing it as a myth clung to by Bible-thumping rednecks. Yet, if there was ever a single incident to remind us just how wrong they are, it’s the tragic church shooting that was thankfully stopped in its tracks on Sunday.
An armed intruder interrupted a morning service at West Freeway Church of Christ near Fort Worth, Texas, disrupting the ceremony and shooting several worshiping Christians. At least two people are dead as a result, including the suspect, and one injured.
But things could have been much, much worse. Two armed people attending the service intervened and shot the attacker in his tracks after just seconds, undoubtedly saving many lives.
WARNING: This video shows shooting:
Of course, this is still a tragedy. Someone was killed, and an entire congregation is surely traumatized. The community will need to heal and deserves compassion and support.
Politicizing the shooting with calls to vote for or against a political candidate would be gross. But it's worth pointing out the facts of what happened. Liberals will inevitably politicize future shootings and call for gun control or a rollback of Second Amendment rights. We must remind them that it doesn't hurt to let good people have guns. The “good guy with a gun” is an everyday reality, not a myth.
There is ample research, not just inspiring anecdotes, to confirm how common defensive gun use is. One study examining the prevalence of self-defense concluded that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms.”
Defensive gun use is not a myth. After how this heroic act unfolded, we should all thank God that this is the case.

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