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By losing his marbles, Biden reveals his weakness

Joe Biden doesn’t handle being challenged at all well. And if he goes up against Trump in 2020, he’ll be losing his marbles on a daily basis.

I’m sure you saw the video of Joe Biden losing his marbles when an Iowa voter challenged him on his age and his son’s inexplicably charmed life.

While some in the media cheered this candidate for President getting defensive as hell and attacking a voter, I think Biden really hurt himself in this exchange.

And not just because he referred to the man as fat.

Biden revealed his greatest weakness.

Namely that he cannot endure being challenged.

Whether it’s a reporter asking him about Hunter’s Arkansas lovechild or this retired farmer questioning his fitness for office,  Joe is not prepared to tackle challenging questions.

Instead of facing the questions head-on, Joe loses his marbles and gets belligerent. And once Joe gets defensive and angry, what few guardrails he has to keep him from careening out of control disappear.

It’s his weakness.

And it’s one that is going to get exploited.

Oh, I have no doubt.

Joe’s Hunter Problem is going to be 2020’s “Bill Clinton is a Rapist.”

Team Biden might be able to strongarm reporters to not ask about Hunter, Burisma and Ukraine.  But voters won’t be strong-armed into silence. And if his way of handling it is to attack the voters, Joe is screwed.

Either his campaign people come up with an effective way for Joe to answer those questions without losing his marbles, or this is just going to keep happening to him.

And because Joe has even less verbal and emotional control when he’s challenged, I’m guessing he’ll find himself starring in even more embarrassing viral videos like the one from yesterday.

For the life of me I do not understand why his campaign team isn’t working on a way to prepare the old codger for the inevitable Hunter/Burisma questions.

I suppose it’s possible Team Biden assumes that Joe will be given the same kid-glove treatment his former boss received for eight years.  And he might get that to some degree from the press.  But not voters.  And certainly not during the primaries.

And now that folks know just how easy it is to get Joe to lose his marbles, there are going to be people who will happily goad him until he does.

I’ve said several times that Joe Biden isn’t the nice guy he pretends to be.  He’s a hot-head and a vicious dick.

And when he gets challenged, faster than you can say Burisma, that nice guy façade drops away and the hot-headed dick is revealed.

The last thing the Biden campaign needs is a repeat of yesterday’s meltdown.  Especially when you consider that Joe is trying hard to present himself as the guy who is respected and liked all over the world.

One thing is certain.  If Biden is the nominee, President Trump will not treat him with kid-gloves.  Trump is an expert at zeroing in on someone’s weakness. He will not hesitate to hammer Joe until he triggers a response.

And given how easily Joe loses his marbles when challenged, I don’t think it’s going to take much needling for Trump to send Joe into orbit.

Side note:

Just for fun. I’m guessing Joe’s tour bus needs another facelift.