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WWWP Open Thread

So yeah, we're back with another open thread. I've missed a few music threads and open threads lately. The homework ate the dog, and that's my excuse. Killer paper from out of space. Trust me, you don't want to mess with it, or do your homework on it. Of course this excuse fell apart for myself when I remembered I haven't had homework in decades, and even back then I didn't do it too often. Yes, I admit it ... I was not a good student. I still was a 4.0 student, I just didn't do anything that wasn't graded. It was boring and I hated it. I learn different from how they do it in classrooms. I go backwards. I learn hands on starting with the end and working my way back. I have a hard time learning something if I don't know the "why" behind it, so going backwards gives me the foundation I need to learn. You should've seen me learning to ride a bike. I could ride backwards better than anyone. Driving .... always in reverse. I listen to all my vinyl backwards. It's a lifestyle and this meme is already not funny and epstein didn't kill himself.

We're going in a little bit of a different direction in our next segment today. It's getting cold outside, we're down to a freezing 62º today ... and we'll be in the high 20's by Monday which means the city will come to stop because people don't know how to handle anything under 50º here and they all freak out. Alright, now that I'm done ADHD-ing out about the weather .... it's getting cold, and what's better than chili when it's cold? Well, lots of things, but chili is still good. This video is from Sam the Cooking Guy. He's funny in his own way, sarcastic, a bit dry, but his recipes are good. I've made quite a few of them.
In true WWWP Open Thread style, I have to throw something odd into the mix. So here is Sam being weird for a recipe, making fun of the Salt Bae meme.

Tip of the week: 
Control your text size inBlogger.

The text size options in Blogger are weak; however, if you do this you can control the exact size of the text. It's a bit of a pain since you have to do it for each paragraph individually.

1. Go into the html section while building your post

2. In front of the text you want to resize either type or copy and paste this:
 <span style="font-size: 20px;">

3. Change the number to the size text you want

4. At the end of your paragraph type </span> to close the html tag

5. Remember, if you used more than one html tag, you'll have to close them in reverse  order.

Example: Let's say you made a sentence bold, italic, and changed the size, here is how your tags would look.
<b><i><span style="font-size: 20px;">It would look like this, and it would closed out in reverse.</span></i></b>

Next week we'll go into selecting a custom text color, since Blogger's options are also weak in this area.


Now, on to the tunes! It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of techno and many of its subgenres, lately I've really been listening to a lot of dub techno. It's a lot more laid back and atmospheric. I've had this mix on repeat all week.


No crazy long jam this week. Here's an album version of a song for once.



y'all know what's up 
memes, gifs, music, pics, random thoughts ... 
post 'em if you got 'em