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Who knew ABC News has standards

What’s more shocking? That ABC News spiked the Epstein story or that they have standards?

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas dropped one hell of a video this morning showing ABC News morning anchor Amy Robach complaining about her Jeffrey Epstein story getting spiked in 2015.  If you haven’t seen the entire video, you can watch it HERE.

But for me, the utterly shocking part of this Project Veritas exposé was the official statement from ABC News in response.

According to them, Robach’s explosive story did not meet their standards to air.

I mean, I’m gob smacked.

Who knew ABC News had standards?

Any news network that repeatedly invited Michael Avenatti on probably shouldn’t claim to have some highfalutin standards.  Know what I mean?

Somewhere in the halls of the Supreme Court, Justice Kavanaugh must be chuckling at ABC’s so-called “standards.”

I remember when ABC News reported that President Trump referred to “some who cross the border illegally as ‘animals.’”  Yeah, no he didn’t.  He referred to MS-13 as animals.  Odd how ABC News’ vaunted “standards” left that part out.

And then there’s ABC News reporter Brian Ross.

That guy was the pinnacle of journalistic standards, now wasn’t he?

He’s the reporter who, after the Aurora shooting in 2012 found out the shooter’s name, then searched the Colorado Tea Party records and found a Tea Party member with the same name. The Tea Party guy wasn’t the shooter.  But rather than rigorously fact check his big Tea Party Killer Scoop, Brian simply rushed it to air.

Speaking of Brian Ross.  In 2017, Brian reported that Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn was going to flip on Trump and testify that candidate Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians.

Yeah.  It was bullshit.

But don’t worry.  Brian’s standards were impeccable!

ABC News can try and squirm off this hot seat Project Veritas just set them on. But as I see it, this is more than just an inconvenient embarrassment.  Sure, self-adoring “media reporters” like Brian Stelter will probably avoid this Project Veritas report like the plague.

Okay, maybe Stelter will report on it, but not in a way that makes ABC News look bad.

My guess is Brian is, at this very moment, scouring through James O’Keefe’s Twitter feed counting the typos.

Unfortunately for ABC News, we’re not idiots.

One of the biggest names connected to Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile ring is none other than Bill Clinton.  And who exactly is ABC’s chief anchor and political correspondent?

Clinton flack George Stephanopoulos.

But tell us more about your standards, you hacks.

The American news media, which never tires of slapping itself on the back and telling us how noble they are, like to claim that they hold the powerful to account – speak “Truth to Power” if you will.

But in spiking this exposé on Jeffrey Epstein in 2015, they weren’t so much speaking “Truth to Power” as they were covering Power’s ass.

As a result, they happily remained silent while Epstein spent another three years preying on young girls.

In other words, they protected the Powerful at the expense of the Vulnerable.

And if that’s ABC News’ idea of Standards, they should rot in hell.


Steve, a follower of PatriotRetort.com’s Facebook page, reminded me of another example of ABC News’ highfalutin standards that I totally forgot: