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When America as we know it Dies

For over 50 years, America has kept the general peace around the world. We have had troops in South Korea keeping them safe from North Korea while South Korea built a tremendous economy.

For nearly 70 years we have protected Europe from its petty tribal differences while they rebuilt, We stopped Communist expansion all around the world until those communists countries collapsed. then we stepped into help them after collapse.

Today we protect the world from the cult of Islam.

What happens if America collapses? It seems Liberals don't care, they believe that Globalism will protect them.

Too many of our youth think Socialism and Communism are ideologies which are viable and preferable over capitalism.

What will the world look like without America?

I thank GOD I probably will not be hereto see it and I pray for my children and their children who may have to live in it.

What say you?