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Oh, yeah. This Whistleblower thing is totally on the up-and-up

Way to telegraph your grand plan, genius.

You’d think if you were orchestrating a coup to take out the duly-elected President by peddling a fake Whistleblower, you’d have enough smarts not to broadcast your scheme on Twitter.

But what do I know?

I also figured coup-plotting lawyers at the FBI wouldn’t be so stupid as to prattle on about it in text messages from their FBI phones.

And yet.

The attorney representing this phony baloney whistleblower has quite a Twitter archive. He was not demure about his hope for a coup to oust Donald Trump through the use the entrenched government bureaucrat branch of the ResistanceLOL.

That’s his word, by the way: “coup.”

Sure, I know the media is collectively clutching its pearls because President Trump referred to this idiotic whistleblower charade as a coup.  But since that’s the very word this whistleblower’s attorney used, I think President Trump calling it a coup is appropriate.

After Trump-hater Sally Yates was fired as acting Attorney General – way back in January 2017 – here’s how Mark Zaid, the so-called Whistleblower’s attorney responded:

Whistleblower attorney coup 1
Whistleblower attorney coup 2

Yeah, I made a screen captures since now that his coup fantasy is getting all this attention, I’m guessing there’s a chance this guy might go back and delete these incriminating tweets.

Then again, it’s been almost three years and he hasn’t tweeted them yet.

Zaid also loves, loves, loves using the hashtag #Resistance.  Because what attorney with a CIA security clearance doesn’t?

As actual CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou told Tucker Carlson last month, “Even his attorney, Mark Zaid, is one of these CIA insiders. He’s attached at the hip with the CIA. He’s represented dozens of CIA people. He has a CIA security clearance. If you are represented by Mark Zaid and you’re claiming to be a whistleblower, you are not.”

Why do you think Zaid is working so hard to keep his client, this so-called Whistleblower, from having to go before Congress and testify (and more importantly, answer questions)?

This guy is as much of a whistleblower as I am.

And the fact that his attorney – since shortly after Trump’s inauguration —  has been expressing his desire for entrenched government bureaucrats to carry out this (his word) “coup,” pretty much tells me all I need to know about this so-called Whistleblower complaint.

Let’s just say it ain’t on the up-and-up.

But we’ve already caught on to that, haven’t we?

This is why the usual suspects on Twitter and in the news media are issuing directives not to name this so-called Whistleblower.

Hell, let’s stop calling him a Whistleblower.  He’s a coup-plotter.

These people are such drama queens.

Meanwhile, the US Senator who unilaterally released the transcript of the closed-session hearing with Fusion GPS’s Glenn Simpson (without notifying anyone beforehand, by the way), tweeted this statement:

Read her whole statement. It’s a laugh riot.

This coup-plotter didn’t bring “wrongdoing to light,” Dianne, you ignorant bint. The only “wrongdoing” that has been brought to light is the coup against the President.

They’re not protecting this coup-plotter for his safety.  And it sure as hell isn’t because it is illegal to name him.

No.  They’re protecting him because this carefully-orchestrated fraud is unraveling. And they know if the American people were aware of just how up to his neck in this coup theso-called whistleblower is, it would be game over for this phony shampeachment.

The coup-plotters have been trying to take out the duly-elected President of the United States since before he was even sworn in.

And after Mueller crashed and burned, these reckless, vindictive partisans pinned their hopes on a guy who was willing to put anything to paper – even second and third-hand gossip and hearsay.

The Democrats and their media handmaids know that confirming this coup-plotter’s identity would completely destroy their pipedream of impeaching President Trump.  But more than that, his identity and involvement in this coup would blow back on Adam Schiff, John Brennan, his ResistanceLOL attorney — and most importantly, the Obama Administration.

Just how desperate were these people that they would hitch their impeachment wagon to a partisan gossip-monger with a CIA-linked attorney who openly tweeted about a coup?

They bluffed and bet big knowing that they were holding a really bad hand.

And the last thing they want is to have to show their cards.