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Nihilism Is Driving Leftocratic Rage

Article by E.Jeffrey Ludwig in "The American Thinker":

The present impeachment onslaught being engineered maliciously by the Leftocrats is a manifestation of a flawed anti-truth mindset that is rightly called nihilistic.

The “impeachment inquiry” now authorized against our President is an egregious assault not only on our President, but an assault on our legal system and our rights as citizens.  As bad as that is, it signals a turn towards nihilism which is eating away the stability and purpose of American Civilization.  Disintegration of Trump’s presidency is not the main thing at stake, but the disintegration of our society in acts of turpitude and violence.

Debate continues to rage whether we citizens are watching a coup, lynching, witch hunt, or Soviet-style inquisition.  Any or all of these designations would be correct. The varied, disgusting descriptions being used in public discourse suggests how far we have declined as a constitutional republic at the hands of the Leftocrats.  In their SKIF bunker, the rule of law is openly mocked.

However, Eugene (Fr.Seraphim) Rose in his classic work Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age tells us we do not want to fall into the error of issuing mere diatribes against the perpetrators of the present false and nihilistic narrative about President Trump.  The Leftocrats have been beating their drum of hate for decades, but are doing so more loudly during the years since 2016 until the present. Rose states “Nihilism has error for its root, and error can be conquered only by Truth.”

Three false ideas must be countered, debunked, and destroyed by truth in order to have victory over the nihilism that is manifesting in this Leftocratic political farce.

First, nihilism grows when people engaging in its advancement believe there is no truth, meaning no absolute truth.  All is relative to this mindset.  It is at bottom completely skeptical.  Men and women of honor have been fighting against this relativism for thousands of years. Socrates took the hemlock poison for having had the audacity to suggest that the Sophists’ so-called truth-claims were merely exercises in getting this or that individual elected in the democracy of Athens.  The Sophists were gifted at getting voters to think that this or that Athenian candidate for political office possessed “truth,” but in fact the main idea was to get the speakers they trained elected. Socrates perceived that this was not a disinterested search for truth, so he tried to show that they were engaged in circular reasoning and other logical errors.  They in turn trumped up charges against him that he was an enemy of the Athenians.  In short, Socrates tried to show his opponents that they were self-serving and/or that they were more concerned with winning arguments and power than with ascertaining Truth. The Leftocrats like Socrates’s enemies reject the very idea that there is Truth to be attained.  They are political animals through and through, with the emphasis on the word “animals.”

Plato, Socrates’s student, later was invited by Dionysus who headed up one of the Greek city-states to advise him.  He told Dionysus that he should study more mathematics as it would strengthen his reasoning abilities, and thus enhance the discipline and wisdom of his rule.  Dionysus was so pleased by this truthful advice, that, after Plato boarded a ship and set sail, he had the ship stopped, and put Plato on a block to be sold as a slave.  Fortunately for Plato, he was bought by a friend, and immediately set free. The political class is often the enemy of the truth tellers.  Thus, they represent nihilism which believes there is no truth.  The nihilists believe in power and in the importance of their own egos.  Our Bible calls that the sin of pride. Look at the faces of Waters, Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, Cohen, Swalwell & company and ask yourselves, are these the faces of humble service?  Are they lovers of Truth or are they offended by Truth, and thus its enemies.

Second, nihilism is driven by a militant atheism. As Rose tells us, “A ‘new god’ is clearly required by modern man … the new god is not a Being but an idea, not revealed to faith and humility but constructed by the proud mind that still feels the need for ‘explanation’ when it has lost its desire for salvation.” This underlying militant atheism will fabricate any and all predicates of experience in order to justify its own malignant judgments. Aristotle was embraced by the giant of Catholic philosophy Thomas Aquinas. Why?  Because, whatever Aristotle’s shortcomings were insofar as he wrote well before the advent of Christ, Aristotle understood that reason was virtuous insofar as it identified with the Mean which was a balance (“hexis”) between Excess and Deficiency. 

Thus a man hearing a drowning man’s cries for help might jump into the water to save him, but forget that he also could not swim, and they would both drown. That would be an extreme of Excess called Rashness.  Someone else who had a lifeguard certificate might hear the screams of the drowning man, but, being in a hurry to get to an important appointment, glances at his watch and leaves the area. That would be Deficiency and referred to as Cowardice. The Mean would require that one use reason in a balanced way to do the virtuous thing considering all the facts of the situation.  In this example, that would be Courage.  Thus, the Leftocrats, not tied to a reasoned love of virtue and belief in an omniscient God who sees our lack of love for virtue, give in to their nihilistic rage and boundless intrigues and persecutions. They have spit in the faces of many wonderful people over the years. President Trump is getting the full force of their venom.

The third and last category of nihilism being manifested by the Leftocrats is “the nihilism of destruction.” This aspect of nihilism is “full of doubt, suspicion, disgust, envy, jealousy, pride, impatience, rebelliousness, blasphemy –one or more of these qualities predominating in any given personality. It is an attitude of dissatisfaction with self, with the world, with society, with God; it knows but one thing: that it will not accept things as they are, but must devote its energies either to changing them or fleeing from them.”  Green New Deal, Democratic Socialist platform, Medicare For All, rejection of our 71-year support of Israel, slavery reparations, women as men, men as women, and many other so-called innovations clearly reflect this non-acceptance characteristic of the nihilist mindset.

We are not dealing merely with a political party or politicians with whom we disagree.  Rather, we are dealing with a mindset that seeks to kill and destroy cherished values that have developed over centuries, as well as people like our President whom they believe are blocking their destructive path forward.
