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Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s imaginary black support

Since Mayor Pete has been a failure for blacks living in South Bend, is it any wonder he has to fabricate black support in his run for President.

Well, this is not good for Mayor Pete.

Apparently his campaign is crowing about imaginary black support to try and salvage his abysmal polling numbers among black primary voters – especially in South Carolina where Mayor Pete is polling at 8% (and Biden at 45%).

According to the Intercept, this fall Mayor Pete unveiled “The Douglass Plan” – his “comprehensive investment in the empowerment of Black America” – that, according to his website, was endorsed by 400 prominent South Carolinians.

Only thing is, half of these 400 people are white.  Many of the blacks cited as endorsing this are not supporting Mayor Pete in the primary.  There was even one “supporter” listed who A) doesn’t support Mayor Pete and B) never voiced support the Douglass Plan.

And to add insult to injury, one of the photos used on Mayor Pete’s website — showing a black woman and child – was a stock photo of a Kenyan woman and child.
Good grief.

Something tells me this isn’t going to help bolster black support for Mayor Pete.

Now, the Buttigieg campaign is claiming that they never said that all four hundred people were black.

Though, the fact that people listed as supporters were stunned to discover they were listed as supporters of something they never said they supported is the bigger problem if you ask me.

Bernie supporters are furious with Mayor Pete over this.

Then again, Bernie supporters are furious with every primary challenger for having the gall not to step aside and let Bernie get the nomination.

Personally, I think this whole scandal is funny.

Just how does Mayor Pete expect to get blacks to vote for him if the best he can come up with is, “Sure most of these black people who support my Douglass Plan aren’t going to vote for me.  But vote for me!”

If Mayor Pete actually had organic support among blacks for his plan to “empower” blacks, he wouldn’t need to resort to using stock photos for the website.

At least he didn’t Photoshop himself into the picture.

But Pete Buttigieg has a bigger problem when it comes to gaining support among blacks.

And that’s his horrible record as Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Mayor Pete has a track record. And there’s nothing there to crow about.

As Daniel Greenfield pointed out in his April column
Mayor Buttigieg Runs for President While His City Bleeds:”

Mayor Buttigieg excels at buzzwords and gimmicks. He’s just terrible at actually running a city.

That’s why property crime in South Bend is rising. It’s why the city is overrun with gangs. It’s why South Bend is poor, blighted and miserable. Violence is just one of the many symptoms of Buttigieg’s failures.

South Bend’s top employers are the local schools and hospitals, and the local government. And a local casino. Unemployment and taxes are higher than average. Meanwhile the average income is below $20,000. The poverty rate is 25%. African-American poverty rates are double. Hispanic poverty rates are 10% higher than the national average. And even Asian-Americans are poorer than usual in South Bend.

If Mayor Pete really gave two craps about “empowerment of Black America,” why hasn’t he done anything productive for the black Americans living in South Bend?

Of course the same could be said for Cory Booker who’s tenure as Mayor of Newark isn’t exactly something he can put in the Success column. Which might explain why Booker is polling at 2% in South Carolina.

[Speaking of Daniel Greenfield, he did a great column in January titled “The Mayors of the Worst Cities in America are Running for President” which he outlines both Mayor Pete’s and Cory Booker’s failures.]

Lofty plans are one thing.  Actual achievements (or lack thereof) are another.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s tenure as South Bend’s chief executive is definitely lacking in achievements.

No wonder he has to create imaginary black support for his Presidential campaign.

If Buttigieg couldn’t improve the lives of blacks living in just one US city, who in his right mind thinks a “President Pete” would succeed where Mayor Pete failed?