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Liz Warren’s Magical Money Tree

Elizabeth Warren’s “Medicare for All” plan is the stuff of make-believe.

After weeks of pressure, Liz Warren finally released her Fabulous, Super Easy to Afford Medicare for All Plan.  And it’s about as insane as you’d think.  Apparently Warren believes in the existence of a magical Money Tree.
Because despite a price tag of $52 TRILLION, Liz pinky swears it will not be necessary to raise taxes on the Middle Class.

There is no way in the world that a so-called “plan” that costs more than double our current national debt would not end up screwing every single taxpayer in the country.
Especially when you consider that Liz wants to “cover” illegal aliens.
Claiming you can raise taxes by twenty TRILLION dollars that won’t include taxing the crap out of the Middle Class is wish-casting.
There is no Magical Money Tree on which that twenty TRILLION dollars is growing.
(Read Pradheep’s entire thread HERE. It’s worth reading the whole thing.)

Keep in mind, Liz also wants to do the Green New Deal. So on top of $52 Trillion for her fantasy “healthcare” plan, you have to toss in another $30 Trillion for that.
Not to mention paying off student loan debt AND making college “free.”
That magical money tree of hers better get to work bearing a whole hell of a lot of fruit because otherwise she’s screwed.
Who am I kidding?
We’ll all be screwed.
As Jim Geraghty put it over at National Review, “her plan runs on rainbows and unicorns.”
And it relies on the existence of a magical money tree.

As Jesse Kelly always says, “All Democrats have to do is not be insane.  But they just can’t do it.”
It was just ten years ago that Americans were promised that Obama’s “Affordable Care Act” would “fix” our “broken” healthcare system.
And they lied.
All the wish-casting disguised as a “healthcare plan” was utter bullshit.
Do they really believe that Americans will fall for another BS healthcare overhaul on the promise that it’ll cost us “not one penny?”
You’d have to be a complete brainless idiot to believe for even a nano-second that Magical Money Tree Warren’s “plan” would work.

But just like in 2009, the idiots in the news media will gush all over Liz’s unworkable plan.  They’ll lie for her, and repeat her fantastical “no middle class tax increase” claim as fact.  Because they really don’t give a crap if the American people and our economy get screwed so long as they believe Liz Warren can help them get Trump out of the White House.