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Jason and Jerry’s Big Adventure….

In 2016 the creative leftists behind the Clinton campaign developed a campaign conspiracy theory that Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump were conspiring to stop Hillary from ascending to her birthright, the presidency.

In 2017 a sketchy fellow within the U.S. Department of Justice, Rod Rosenstein, fueled the Cinton conspiracy by appointing a panel of Hillary sycophants to investigate the collusion.

In the most embarrassing episode in U.S. government history, more than twenty lawyers, fifty FBI agents, and a host of administrative enablers were assigned to the case.  A muttering semi-cogent former FBI official in the twilight of his cognitive capabilities was brought-in to give credibility. Leftist media proclaimed the assembly: a dream team.

Spending tens-of-millions of taxpayer funds, for two years the crew dispatched themselves across the globe to track down the trail of Vladimir and Donald’s grand plan for planetary conquest.  As customary, the leftist media never paused to look at the abject stupidity of it…. and so it continued.

At the end of the multi-year, multi-continent endeavor, the crew reassembled in Washington DC to debrief their findings and write a report about their jaw-dropping discoveries.  Unfortunately for the transfixed media the million-man-hour probe found nothing.  Their final report showed: no collusion, no conspiracy.

However, not to be denied the justice authority apportioned by the aforementioned Mr. Rosenstein, the hundred-person-strong investigative crew also said their target had tried too hard not to be found guilty of a conspiracy that never existed.

Ah-ha!  There’s the angle: Donald Trump was guilty of defending himself, and accused of  the most heinous political crime: “obstructing an officially-authorized false narrative while under construction”, impeach!

Now we fast-forward to late 2019 where the international chase for the horse thief and attempted hanging therein is under review.  The most recent discoveries include not only was there never a horse theft, in reality there was never a horse….

Alas two pathetic members of the remaining resistance just cannot accept all of that officially recognized and empowered investigative global effort by the biggest nation on the planet was a wild goose-chase spurred by the Clinton machine.  Yes, thirty years after the end of World War II, on some isolated island in the middle of the Pacific, there was unit of the Imperial Japanese army that never knew the war was over.

While a vertically and horizontally challenged member of congress named Jerry Nadler appeals for the details of the Mueller grand jury inquisition, a rather caffeinated fellow named Jason Leopold charges from his bunker at Buzzfeed to mount his final assault against General Douglas MacArthur….