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Hot Take Swalwell spills the beans

For weeks, Democrats have claimed identifying the whistleblower is illegal. Then that gormless twit Eric Swalwell inadvertently nuked that talking point.

You can always count on one hell of a hot take from Eric Swalwell.  This guy’s foot spends so much time in his mouth, he has athlete’s tongue.

From nuking citizens who refuse to surrender their guns to his entire embarrassing campaign for President, Eric is the Hot Take King.

Last night, Hot Take Swalwell totally nuked the whole “it’s against the law to name the Whistleblower” defense.

And because he’s an utterly gormless twit, Eric didn’t even realize it.

So, if you have to write legislation to make it illegal to “out a whistleblower,” then clearly no legislation exists right now that makes it illegal.

In other words, it might become illegal “in the future,” but it ain’t illegal in the here and now.

For days now the Democrats and their handmaids in the media have been howling like wounded poodles telling us that it is against the law to identify the so-called whistleblower.

And in one dumb ass tweet, Hot Take Swalwell blew that talking point out of the water.

Thanks for the hot take, Eric!

“If folks find out who this whistleblower is, we’re screwed! I know!  I’ll write legislation making it illegal to reveal the identity of someone trying to take out the President of the United States!!  And I’ll tweet about it letting folks know that in the future this will put you in jail!  Yeah, that’s the ticket!”

Derp, derp, derp.

From the coup-tweeting attorney to Adam Schiff the Walking Parody to Hot Take Swalwell — this Shampeachment is being run by the most inept, incompetent clowns on the face of the planet.

As Rita Panahi famously said;

President Trump is blessed with monumentally moronic opponents.