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Doctor calls for standardized mental fitness test for elected officials

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:49 AM PT — Tuesday, November 26, 2019
A physician is calling for elected officials to undergo mental fitness tests to determine whether they are fit to serve. In an interview with The Hill Monday, physician and journalist James Hamblin said while a mental assessment is typically part of a president’s physical exam, they have not been standardized for other elected officials.
The doctor went on to suggest that knowing an official’s cognitive state may be even more important than knowing their physical health.
“It’s certainly relevant to know whether someone has a terminal diagnosis that would really suggest that it’s unlikely that they would live through their term, but beyond that what you’re really asking is ‘does this person have the ability to do the job cognitively?’ he stated. “The idea that there might be physical encumberments to doing the job is less relevant today than it might have been decades ago.”
This comes amid concern over Democrat front-runner Joe Biden’s mental state, following his recent debate performances where he has made a number of gaffes and often slurred his words.