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Team Kamala ain’t very bright

No wonder Kamala is cratering in the polls. 
Her campaign team are a bunch of idiots.

If you thought the awful “Upgrade President” meme from Team Kamala was bad.  You ain’t seen nothing yet.

Despite the fact that Hillary’s embarrassing birthday tweet from 2016 turned her into a walking punchline, Team Kamala decided to do the exact same thing yesterday on Kamala Harris’ birthday. 

How stupid are these people?

You know, back in 2017, I asked if Kamala’s tweets were written by someone who secretly hates her.

Now I’m certain that’s the case.

This is monumentally dumb. And only someone who hopes to make Kamala look like a bigger idiot than she already does would think to tweet this.

In fact, the tweet from Team Kamala actually makes Hillary’s birthday tweet look less dumb because at least Hillary was the Democrat nominee that virtually everyone in the news media and DC believed would be the President.

Whereas Kamala Harris is a bottom-tier candidate in a field of twenty who has yet to face off with anyone in a single primary.

In fact, she is currently polling at 2% in Iowa – the very state she was going to “F-ing move to” in order to win.

By the way, 2% is where Tulsi Gabbard is polling in Iowa as well.  Which I find all manner of hilarious given Kamala’s smug, condescending snark directed at Tulsi after the second debate.

The fact that Team Kamala thought this tweet was a good idea might just explain why Harris is cratering.

Her campaign is run by idiots.

Now, to be fair, Team Kamala does not specify that this little girl is the next President of the United States.  So perhaps they meant she will be the next president of something else.

The only question I have is will Team Kamala delete this idiotic tweet the same way Ian Sams deleted his “Upgrade President” meme?

Or with they, like Hillary, leave that tweet in place for posterity?

Or until Kamala drops out and the Team Kamala Twitter account gets shut down.