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Suicide by Stupidity

Europeans are arrogant fools, they believe they are more enlightened because they worship at the Alter of Liberalism.
We are watching Europe die through suicide by the stupidity of Liberalism
On September 8, Erdoğan threatened to flood the European Union with 5.5 million Syrian refugees unless he received international support for the establishment of a "safe zone" in northern Syria. "If they do not give us the necessary support in this struggle, then we will not be able to stop the 3.5 million refugees from Syria and another two million people who will reach our borders from Idlib," Erdogan told a rally in Malatya, Turkey's Eastern Anatolia region.
President Trump warned Europe to get their immigration policies in order for 3 years. Now it is time for Europe to learn from their stupidity. European leaders supported Obama in his attempts to overthrow Assad. They supported Obama in overthrowing Quadaffi. These two stupid ideas by The Hildabeast caused the chaos in this area.
Let Europe learn that suicide by the stupidity of Liberalism has consequences. Let Europe welcome the 10,000 ISIS animals so they can shoot, stab and bomb their way into European's hearts.
Thank you President Trump for showing Europeans what happens when you allow Liberals to bend over and spread their butt cheeks for the Muslim.

Now American Mothers can sit back and know their sons and daughters will not be sacrificed at the alter of Islam so Europeans can sit on their lazy asses and talk shit about America while claiming to be "enlightened"

President Trump offered European leadership examples of how to right their ship of state by interjecting common sense and love of country back into their ideologies. they rejected his advice and profess their love of Diversity and Tolerance.

Mean while 30% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia Law supercedes Western Culture Laws in each European country.

Let Europe die or learn. 

The choice is theirs.