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‘Start Your Day With Maximum Gay:’ Kellogg’s Launches LGBT Cereal


Article by Alexa Moutevelis Coombs in NewsBusters:

Have you ever eaten Froot Loops and thought, "This cereal isn’t gay enough?" Do you seek a safe space to eat your Rice Krispies? Are you concerned that your Corn Flakes aren’t sufficiently woke? Well, now Kellogg’s has the solution!

On Thursday, the gay site PinkNews reported, “Kellogg’s is launching an LGBT-themed cereal so you can start your day with maximum gay… If you’re a fan of breakfast and being gay, we have grrrrreat news for you – Kellogg’s is launching an LGBT-themed cereal.”

And to think, we’ve been eating straight, cisgender cereal all this time.

Timed to coincide with GLAAD’s Spirit Day on October 17, they teamed up to produce the “All Together” cereal, which Kellogg’s says is the first to offer Corn Flakes, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini Wheats, Raisin Bran, and Rice Krispies “exclusively together.”

Unlike the mix of cereal the image on the box implies, it’s actually a Limited Edition Variety Pack with 6 individual sized boxes inside, but consumers are free to create any combination they like. Froot Loops and Raisin Brain together? Let your freak flag fly, honey!

Kellogg’s chief diversity officer (why does a cereal company need such a thing??) Priscilla Koranteng said, “At Kellogg, we are firmly committed to equality and inclusion in the workplace, marketplace and in the communities where we work and live.” As part of the Spirit Day partnership, Kellogg’s is donating $50,000 to GLAAD.

According to the All Together Cereal page on Kellogg’s website, Spirit Day is when “millions wear purple to stand up against bullying, and to support a more accepting world for LGBTQ youth.”
The site explains the thinking behind the cereal:
We all belong together. So for the first time in history, our famous mascots and cereals are offered exclusively together in the same box for All Together Cereal. It’s a symbol of acceptance no matter how you look, where you’re from or who you love. We believe that all people deserve an environment where they can be their best selves.
GLAAD’s John McCourt said, “The All Together cereal encompasses the values of diversity, equality, and solidarity that Spirit Day is all about, and we hope that LGBTQ youth everywhere receive the messages loud and clear.”

Equality and inclusion in a breakfast food – it's social justice cereal! I think I'm gonna lose my breakfast.
