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Pierre Delecto gets John Kerry’s stamp of approval

Former Secretary of State and fellow Trump hater John Kerry thinks it’s très magnifique that Mitt Romney created a Twitter troll to defend Mitt Romney.

So not everybody is mocking Pierre Delecto (AKA Mitt Romney) today.
Former Secretary of State and fellow Trump hater John Kerry thinks it’s très magnifique that Mitt Romney created a Twitter troll account to defend … well himself.

But of course!

I can see why it would appeal to John Kerry that Romney set up this Pierre Delecto super-secret shadow Twitter account to bypass official channels and work against the President.

After all, though he is no longer Secretary of State, Monsieur Kerry is operating a secret foreign policy — meeting with both Iran and the Palestinian Authority — in order to counter the Trump Administration.

There’s also the fact that Kerry and Romney really are a lot alike.

Two wealthy, elitist Presidential losers – one who was Secretary of State and one who desperately wanted to be – would naturally find a common bond against the guy who did win the office they couldn’t.

Plus, except for the massive Habsburg jaw on old “mashed potato face”  Kerry, he and Romney look a lot alike too.

I mean, can you tell this is Photoshopped?

Trump hatred makes for strange bedfellows.

But in Romney’s case, John Kerry isn’t a strange bedfellow at all.  They really are two peas in a pod.  Or, as Don Junior put it, birds of a feather.

And I’m sure it delights Pierre Delecto to no end that Monsieur Visage de Pomme de Terre Écrasé approves.

[Boy, “mashed potato face” takes a hell of a lot longer to say in French.]

Mitt Romney never met a Leftist whose approval he didn’t seek to gain.

It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Pierre Delecto didn’t see that tweet and immediately began following John Kerry. That is if he wasn’t following him already.

Can we all now just stop pretending Mitt Romney Pierre Delecto is a Republican?

The guy who once claimed to be a “severe conservative” has morphed into a petty, insufferable little suck-up.

I’m embarrassed for him.

His Trump Derangement broke him just like it broke that other Presidential loser Hillary Clinton.

Speaking of which. You should really read Kurt Schlichter’s latest column “Snit Romney” over at Townhall. It is hilariously scathing.