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And So It Should begin

The opinions of the author do not necessarily represent management.

America as we know it is dying. For over fifty years Liberals have been indoctrinating our young people to believe:

America is a Racist Nation
America is the Cause of All the Worlds Problems.
White Society is evil.
Christianity is evil.
Certain Rich are evil.
All Riches from certain people must be taken and shared with the deserving.
Borders are racist.
America must pay for its sins.

We watch silly polls pushed on us daily how "the majority of Americans believe this.

Indoctrination works folks, the Nazi's used it effectively, the Communists used it effectively. Democrats are students of history in that they new they must take over Media, Education and Entertainment in order to indoctrinate our youth.

They have been very successful, remember, while these polls are skewed to read the way they want them presented, there is a modicum of truth.

Young people are easily trained to believe what makes them feel good and accepted into the clique is good.

President Trump may very well win re-election and this cancer may be slowed a little. But it is too late.

But think about this:

The system Liberals believe they  can achieve through their Democrat Party is unsustainable.

Free stuff for everyone will collapse our economy eventually.
Open Borders will bring in societies and cultures which have failed everywhere else.
A shrinking tax base will eventually become the very poor and join with the undesirables who swarm across our borders.
History is replete with the failures of Empires, Communist Political Systems and Socialist Economic Systems.

What usually follows is collapse, anarchy, revolution, civil war and Dictatorships.

But there is a silver lining:

1. Liberals can not maintain any of the Mechanical, Electrical or Infrastructures in place to run a country. They need the worker.
2. A country can not operate with Bureaucrats who only know;

Arts and Entertainment
Political Machinations
Judicial Machinations

Remember, the Liberal abhors the smelly WalMart shopper who has degree in Liberal Arts, Political Science or Gender Studies.

So, subtle actions will show their weakness,

Many of us know Liberals, so experiment, if you provide a service such as plumbing, electrical, automobile service, food service any menial task will do.

Think of creative ways to sabotage their elite life style.  Next time you are travelling see how easy it would be to damage EV charging stations, a few cups of sugar in a gas tank, a slashed tire or two.

Be creative and watch the fun.