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Adam Schiff: The Super Spy who wasn’t

In their effort to justify the so-called “whistleblower” not following SOP on his so-called “complaint,” the New York Times inadvertently revealed that this anonymous gossip colluded with House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff.

Adam fancies himself something of a super spy.  He’ll look under every rock, secretly take any meeting, and lie like a two-bit hustler all in his ongoing effort to undo the 2016 election.

Does this latest scandal surprise you?

Because it certainly doesn’t surprise me.

Over the last two and a half years, Schiff has told so many lies and made so many unforced errors, it was only a matter of time before his tangled web would ensnare him.

This is the guy who tried to gather intel – including nude photos of Donald Trump – from what he believed were two Ukrainians.  Only Super Spy Schiff was duped.  They weren’t Ukrainians with dirt on President Trump.  They were two Russian comedians with a track record of hoodwinking American politicians – including Maxine Waters and John McCain.

For two and a half years, Super Spy Schiff has been claiming to have explosive intel that would expose President Trump as a Russian asset.  He’s just never gotten around to presenting this so-called intel.

And now the Super Spy who wasn’t is watching his latest coup attempt unravel faster than a cheap sweater in the spin cycle.

I bet he’s kicking himself for going on TV and spreading lies about this so-called “whistleblower.”

Then again, that would require a conscience — something Adam Schiff sorely lacks.
The irony here is Schiff’s grand scheme getting outed by one of the very news organization these Trump-deranged plotters have depended on to aid them in their ongoing coup.

So not only is Schiff an inept, irresponsible member of Congress, he’s also a really shitty spy.

Yet Super Spy Schiff actually thinks he’s a real-life Jack Bauer — the hero of his fevered espionage fantasy.  So too do the hapless, angry, desperate members of the ResistanceLOL.

But the truth is, Adam Schiff isn’t the hero; he’s the villain.
Schiff isn’t Jack Bauer in this sordid story; he’s the guy Jack Bauer works for 24 hours straight to stop.

Fortunately for us, House Republicans are not taking the Mitt Romney route of playing the gentleman loser over this scandal.

Instead, they are pushing back hard.

It stands to reason that the media is tying itself into knots to shield their Congressional mole.  But that shouldn’t come as a galloping shock.  Schiff and his office have supplied them with so much juicy leaked information, the last thing these hacks want is for the honey pot to dry up.

Though, I’m just not certain a news media that is distrusted by the majority of Americans is in a position to pull Super Spy Schiff’s ass out of the fire.
The situation Schiff finds himself in is of his own making.

In his desperate haste to push impeachment over this sloppy hearsay complaint, Schiff not only pushed too hard and too far, he also put the cart before the horse.  This plot was so badly stitched together, all it took for it to unravel was the President releasing the actual transcript.

But it’s too late for Nancy Pelosi to stem the bleeding.

Pelosi went all-in on impeachment based solely on Schiff’s say-so. And now, she and the rest of the Democrat House are dangling from the very hook Schiff baited to ensnare the President.

They can’t turn back now.

It isn’t the Democrats who control the House at this point.  Impeachment does.

And thanks to Nancy and the Democrat majority buying into the lies of this seditious little bug-eyed puke, Republicans have more than enough ammunition to not only completely discredit this so-called “Impeachment inquiry,” but to also regain the House majority in 2020.

Meanwhile, the target of Super Spy Schiff’s specious plot walks away unscathed. And he didn’t even need Jack Bauer to clear him.