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Lewandowski Torches the Judiciary Clowns

The vicious, disrespectful assholes of the House Judiciary Committee learned the hard way that if you force a pitbull to testify, you’re going to get mauled.  Corey Lewandowski showed these idiots the level of respect they deserve – zero.

He didn’t just maul them, he torched them.

Or, perhaps it’s better to say they self-immolated and torched themselves.

Of course now these vicious, disrespectful assholes are quivering in apoplectic rage that Lewandowski treated them like disrespectful assholes.

But that’s precisely how the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee should be treated.
And kudos to Corey for doing it.

The Democrat House has become a joke and frankly should be treated as a joke.

They are unserious buffoons who have abandoned their role as Legislators in favor of endless “investigations.”

It isn’t why the Democrats won the House in 2018.

Voters in swing districts were under the mistaken notion that these Democrat candidates would go to Congress and “get things done.”

But what have they done?

Nothing.  Not one damn thing.

How can they accomplish anything when they spend all their time setting up sham “hearings” where they bellow and shout for five minutes in hopes of getting airtime on CNN and MSNBC?

Lewandowski got to the nub of the problem in this exchange with Congressman Matt Gaetz:
Corey Lewandowski to @RepMattGaetz 
"I think they hate this president more than they love their country."  
— CSPAN (@cspan) September 17, 2019

And that’s it, right there.

The Democrats ran in 2018 making grand promises about working for the American people and they flat-out lied.

They are motivated solely by Trump Derangement. And when someone with testicular fortitude – someone like Corey Lewandowski – gets dragged in front of these clowns, he is not afraid to point that out.

And while the Judiciary Democrats acting like prats will play well among the ResistanceLOL, it won’t play well among the swing district voters who gave the Democrats the House.

And without the support of the swing district voters, they’ll have a heck of a time keeping their majority.