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Latina Veteran Launches GOP Congressional Bid In Florida’s 13th District

Air Force veteran Anna Paulina Luna, 30, has announced that she will be trying to unseat Charlie Crist in Florida’s 13th District. Luna, who is Hispanic, will be running as a Republican, and her main issue is to promote capitalism over the new socialist agenda of the Democrat party. Luna made the announcement to her 112,000 Twitter followers.
My name is Anna Paulina Luna and I’m running for Congress.
I will no longer standby as the socialist agenda infects the youth of our nation.
I need your help fundraising as I am going up against fundraiser for the DCCC. Please donate:https://t.co/z0WgcVKYJCpic.twitter.com/0vv2k76fym
— Anna Paulina Luna (@realannapaulina) September 16, 2019
Luna has nearly a quarter of a million followers on Instagram. Other issues she is promoting include supporting the Second Amendment, taking care of the environment, and taking care of America’s military veterans.
1. What inspired you to get into politics?
During my first enlistment with the USAF, I was stationed in Missouri. At the time I did not own any firearms and I lived off-base. I had a home invasion experience at my first duty station that, for the most part, left me completely traumatized. It was during my senior year of college that I decided to use my social media platform (around 30,000 people at the time) to speak on women using firearms to defend themselves.
The more I spoke on this topic, which to me was common sense, the more I realized companies did not want to work with me. It completely evolved at that point. I realized that if I didn’t start to speak up then I was part of the problem with society. The first video I did was on the hypocrisy of mainstream media on using Hispanics as props for their open border agenda. It completely exploded after that.
2. As a self-described “Chicana,” what do you say to other Hispanics who listen to places like CNN and believe that the president is racist and that enforcing immigration law and securing the border is racist?
I was one of those people that listened to CNN. It was after I saw a segment on CNN where they placed a camera crew on women and children that were being brought to this country illegally that I realized that the news I trusted had become straight-up propaganda. In traveling around the country, I have spoken to thousands of other Hispanics about this exact issue.
I am always respectful in my messaging and welcome differing opinions because it is my opportunity to educate them on the dangers that go hand-in-hand with illegal immigration. A secured border saves lives on both sides. There is nothing racist about enforcing your countries laws and borders and frankly, Hispanics are not the only illegals in this county. The fact is that the largest voting minority in this county is Hispanic Americans, specifically Mexicans, which is why the DNC is attempting to turn this into a racial topic. It is part of the President’s job description to keep our country safe. Without borders, we have no nation and there are millions of people waiting to come here legally. We must respect the process.
3. Why should minorities vote Republican and how should the party reach out to them?
Minorities are better off voting Republican because conservative values are better for the family unit and the individual. What most people do now know about me is that I grew up in the welfare system. My mom, to her credit, was a very young single-mother and she herself grew up in total poverty. As I grew older, I realized something: The dependency on the welfare system creates cycles of poverty.
Had it not been for me joining the military, I would have stayed in that cycle, the debt cycle. The dependence on government for support is not what the American dream is supposed to me. The party needs to assist fresh new candidates of all backgrounds to join the party. I can say that the DNC has brainwashed American’s into thinking Republicans are “old-white-rich-males,” which couldn’t be further from the truth. First off, there is nothing wrong with being white but secondly, if the Republican party can show who we are made of, it shatters any identity politics the DNC will use.
4. Why should younger voters vote Republican and what are you going to do to reach them?
Simple: the experiment that is America has withstood the test of time because of our Constitution. The Republican party not only fights for our Constitution but we still use it as a guideline for most of the policies we support. Aside from that, when you have the entire DNC starting to advocate that we all need to be vegetarians, turn in our guns, and if we don’t, they’re going to nuke us, that in itself is enough for me to run the other way.
If you love your freedom and way of life, you’ll vote Republican. I use all my digital media platforms to share information on the political process and current events. I also travel around the country speaking to young men and women about my life experiences and how being a conservative has changed my life. I will continue to do this through my campaign and in the future because I believe in fighting to fully restore our constitutional republic. Remember, freedom is only there if we choose to fight for it.
To go directly to the youth, I have recently teamed up with PragerU to launch a docuseries that will be coming out in the spring of next year and will be available on all digital media platforms for free.
5. How does the GOP respond to some of the issues, like healthcare and student debt, that Democrats propose addressing with socialist policies?
The response is best done by not promising things that can’t be delivered on but encouraging everyone to solve these problems with free-market capitalism. With healthcare for example, if we were to enable more insurance companies to come forward with plans for healthcare coverage and get rid of some of the red-tape doctors face when opening their own practices, it would make the market competitive, meaning the prices for these plans and walk-in clinics would drop.
In an instance of student loan debt, I joined the military and worked my way through college paying for it via the GI-bill. The problem with society today is people don’t want to have to work hard for things anymore. They expect them. The beauty of being born in America is that depending on how much effort you put into life, you can change social classes. Those that tell you otherwise are simply lying to you.
6. With the rise of socialism in the Democrat Party, are you also concerned about the Democrats’ continued push to curtail the freedoms of U.S. citizens?
Absolutely. Many people today are starting to catch onto the agenda of the DNC, but not as many as I would like. I never thought that in my lifetime I would hear presidential candidates making an open call to confiscate all firearms and disregard the Constitution. Right now, the threat to the Second Amendment is something we should all fear.
It is the Second Amendment that ensures the people of the United States will always remain more powerful than the government. The Second Amendment is the only thing standing in between the socialist agenda of the DNC and our freedom. There is no in-between in 2020. I, alongside many patriots across the nation, am going to fight to ensure the American people and our freedom is safe. If we don’t fight now, we could lose this country forever.
7. How should Republicans respond to the Democrats becoming the party of identity politics?
The GOP can respond to this by showcasing who the faces of the GOP are. There are many minorities involved with the GOP whether they are candidates, elected officials, faces in media, and even volunteers. However, the GOP does need help with re-branding. That can only be done if we all collectively choose to get involved and use our social media to put that message out there.
The most concerning thing I see is people who will thank me for doing what I am doing but choose to not get involved. The biggest threat to the DNC is the American public waking up to freedom of thought and realizing that there is no division among us except for that caused by their sick agenda to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. If minorities start pushing back and we unify, the DNC as we know it will crumble.
8. What do you view as the greatest threat the United States both from a foreign and a domestic standpoint?
Socialism. We as a nation only exist because, we the people, have control over our government. The push for socialism and a socialist agenda has resulted in … a push at the local, state, and federal level for big government control.
Throughout history, countries and people have died because of socialism. Never forget that America is the greatest country on earth. Our country was and still is blessed by God, but only if we choose to fight for it. Every day, silent patriots in the intelligence communities across the United States work day and night to protect us from foreign espionage. If you think other nation’s around the world would not celebrate at the fall of the U.S., you are wrong. Socialism has no place in our government and I will certainly not sit back and allow for our freedom’s to be chipped away.