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He bloody well better drop out

During last night’s CNN marathon townhall on Climate Change, Joe Biden suffered from a bloody eye.
I mean, let’s not jump to conclusions or anything.  Who doesn’t spontaneously bleed from the eyes? It’s totally normal and not at all a sign that bloody Joe Biden is too sickly to run for President of the United States.

This is Joe Biden’s “dropping like a sack of potatoes and having to be hoisted into the Scooby Van” moment.

I realize Jill Biden wants Democrats to swallow hard and vote for Joe.  But come on. Does she really expect them to swallow bloody eyes?

Then again, DOCTOR Jill Biden isn’t a real doctor. Shame that. Maybe if Jill had a medical background she wouldn’t subject her sickly husband to the stresses and strains of a Presidential campaign.

There is something wrong with this man health-wise.

And it isn’t necessarily his age.  I’ve said before that my dad is 80 and he is in far better health than Joe bloody Biden.

Shouldn’t spontaneous eye-bleeding be considered a gigantic red flag?
Sure, if everything else about Joe Biden was tickety-boo, a little bloody eye moment wouldn’t be that big a deal.

But when you couple bloody eyes with the near-constant gaffesfantastical flights of fancy and the moments of forgetfulness, the only logical conclusion is that Joe Biden should do the smart thing and bloody well drop out of this race.

And the fact that he isn’t doesn’t say much about the people who are advising him.

You can’t spin bleeding eyes in a good light.

And the straining necessary to try and spin it just might cause more bloody eyes.