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Democrats Demand - "Believe Us Not Your Lying Eyes"

Since 2014 a few Media investigators tried to ask Vice President Creepy Uncle Joe about his corrupt practices and helping to enrich his drug addled son Hunter.

Interesting Vice President Creepy Uncle Joe is charged by the Black Hand Puppet to investigate corruption in Ukraine.

Immediately after Hunter is released from the Naval Reserve program for testing positive for Cocaine, he gets a lucrative position with a Ukrainian Oil Company tied to a Russian Oligarch.

When a Ukrainian Prosecutor begins investigating Burisa, Vice President Creepy Uncle Joe tells Ukrainian leaders if this prosecutor does not get fired America will cut aid.

Meanwhile, an "Unknown Source", aka, a "Democrat sycophant" is ordered to leak that he or she claim it "heard someone say they heard someone else heard something said by President Trump"  

As usual, the Democrats, their Media sycophants scream that something illegal happened, never mind we don't have proof, we must investigate while the Media spreads "Fake News" in hopes it hurts President Trump and convinces idiots he is guilty.

Will this Kabuki Theater play well in America? We know it plays well in Blue America big cities where the sick therapy needing Liberals run from crisis to crisis screaming "Investigate and then Impeach"