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Americans Want to Know “When Someone’s Going to Jail”

“Jim Comey… is the guy solely responsible for putting the country through three years of this saga that we have now lived through,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Fox and Frinds Monday morning, arguing that many Americans want to know “when someone’s going to jail” over alleged wrongdoing in the Trump-Russia and Clinton email investigations.
Jordan made the case that both republican and democrats should shift their focus from impeachment of Donald Trump to investigating former FBI Director James Comey and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“When you’re solely focused on going after the president you can’t do what’s best for the country. And that’s been the problem with the Democrats,” Jordan said.
“The Michael Cohen hearing didn’t work out the way they wanted. The John Dean hearing didn’t work out the way they wanted and of course, the Bob Mueller hearing and that investigation didn’t work out the way they wanted,” Jordan said earlier in the interview.
“But that doesn’t stop them. They’re going to continue to push this ridiculous impeachment narrative,” he added. “When they’re focused on this warrantless impeachment inquiry, you’re not getting done the things we need to be doing, like fixing the border situation — dealing with… the intellectual property theft of China. Things we’re supposed to deal with on the Judiciary Committee”